President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has emphasized the need to reform the country’s education system in order to create a citizen who…
Jathika Pasala Educational Program telecast five subjects for GCE O/L 2020 Revision. You can also watch Guru Gedara Educational Programs…
students who scored 200/200 marks at scholarship exam 2020 Ten students came scored highest marks following the results of the…
Ministry of Education has released School Time Table for 2021 . According to this time tables schools will open for…
2022 Scholarship Exam District cut-off marks for 2023 Department of Examinations released the district cut-off marks for the enrolment…
Check 2022 Scholarship results Result of Grade 5 Scholarship examination 2020 was released by Department of Examinations. Grade 5 Results…
University Grants Commission (UGC) has published a notice in their website, and published an Advertisement in several Sinhala and English…
You can download free Model papers for 2020 GCE O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination here. This exam is re-scheduled to be…
Parliament has approved Minimum Standards on Medical Education under the Medical Ordinance on 3 November 2020. What are the minimum…
You can now apply for the Training Courses of Professions Supplementary to Medicine and Para Medical Service – 2019. If…