We list here details of the best books for A/L Science and Mathematics stream students: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Combined…
Prof S R D Rosa, Unversity of Colombo has published famous Physics vivarana (Analysis) books and other books. You can…
උසස් පෙළ නැතුව විවෘත විශ්ව විද්යාල උපාධියක් කරන්න If you have at least 6 S passes at GCE O/L Examination…
Update: Choosing A/L Subject Streams After O/Ls: A Complete 2023 Guide After your 2022 O/L examination results, the next step…
Returning school children to schools after COVID-19 lockdown "Schools will re-open in four phases, subject to adherence to health guidelines",…
A/L 2021 exam date? Update 2 Nov 2021 - Ministry of Education has announced new examination dates for the exams…
python සිංහලෙන් හෝ English වලින් හදාරන්න. The python language is one of the most accessible programming languages available. It has simplified…
Grade 5 Scholarship New Syllabus A new syllabus has been introduced to the Grade 5 Scholarship examination from 2019. Download…
Vaccination program for university students to be completed at the end of October 2021, said Prof Sampath Amaratunge Chairman of…
Update - Z-scores for 2020 A/L have been released A/L 2021 Z-Score minimum cut off marks will be released during…