Introducing the new BSc Honours Degree in Polymer Science and Industrial Management offered by the Department of Polymer Science, Faculty…
Today (3 June 2024) marks the commencement of the university selection application procedure, announced by Prof. Sampath Amartunge, Chairman of…
හොදම #රැකියා ලැබෙන විෂය ක්ෂේත්ර මොනවාද? Are you a student who just completed A/L or O/L exams and wondering what…
The Value of Micro-credentials: How Online Courses Can Enhance Your Degree and Employability In today's job market, a bachelor's or…
degree programs at state universities science Maths arts commerce technology Sri Lankan state universities offer a wide variety of bachelor's…
Pursuing higher education is important. As a Sri Lankan student, you may wonder - how many graduates and postgraduates do…
Based on the data provided by the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka, the number of students admitted to universities…
Information systems degrees in sri lanka - UCSC, Japura, Sabaragamua and other universiites Information systems (IS) is a rapidly growing…
Now you have a chance to get a degree for Rs 115,000 from the Univerisity of Sri Jayewardenepura. If you…
BSC Medical Imaging Technology - U of Colobmo Starting from the 2022/2023 University academic year, the Nuclear Science Department of…