
Check exam results using doenets mobile App

Department  of Examinations of Sri Lanka now offers an official mobile application called doenets. You can download this App from…

6 years ago

Download GCE O/L 2017 Application- Apply before 15 June

The Ministry of Education has extended the Application deadline for the 2017 GCE Ordinary Level (O/L) exam, by 2 weeks…

7 years ago

Download GCE O/L 2014 Application – for private candidates

The Applications are called from 20.05.2014 to 20.06.2014 from all the school and private candidates who intend to sit the…

10 years ago

Apply A/L classes in Government Schools based on O/L results

Update 5 May 2020 - Application Form for GCE (A/L) in Government Schools If your school does not have…

10 years ago