The cut off marks for the grade 5 scholarship examination 2016 were released by the Ministry of Education. According to these Marks Royal College (184 marks) and Visakha Vidyalaya (181 Marks), Colombo require the highest marks for entrance. Marks for other popular highest rank schools: Sinhala Medium – Boys’ Schools Royal College, Colombo – 184 […]
සාමාන්ය හෝ උසස් පෙළින් පසු රැකියාවක් සොයා ගැනීමට අත්වැලක්
සාමාන්ය හෝ උසස් පෙළින් පසු රැකියාවක් සොයා ගැනීමට අත්වැලක්
How to find a job? A guide to school leavers after O/L & A/L
Just after A/L or O/L and looking for a Job? We discuss here various options in finding a job: Employment Opportunities in Sri Lankan NewsPapers, top Job vacancy websites, how to find a government job and Various types of Jobs avaialble in Sri Lanka. Why start early As a school leaver what you have is […]
2019 க.பொ.த.உயர்தர பரீட்சைக்கான புதிய பாடத்திட்டம் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர் கையேடு
2019 க.பொ.த.உயர்தர பரீட்சைக்கான புதிய பாடத்திட்டம் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர் கையேடுகளை இங்கே தரவிறக்கம் செய்யலாம். (தரவிறக்கம் செய்ய கீழே அழுத்தவும்)
2019 උසස් පෙළ සඳහා නව විෂය නිර්දේශ
2019 උසස් පෙළ සඳහා නව විෂය නිර්දේශ
Download New A/L syllabuses and Teacher guides for 2019- 2023 A/L
Ministry of Higher Education has issued a circular specifying that for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Department of Examinations will prepared A/L questions based on the limitations specified in Learning Outcomes of the syllabi. (read below to download this circular) Updated 2017 December: National Institute of Education NIE is in the process of preparing syllabuses […]
අ පො ස සාමාන්ය පෙළ ආදර්ශ ප්රශ්න පත්ර බා ගත කර ගන්න
අ පො ස සාමාන්ය පෙළ ආදර්ශ ප්රශ්න පත්ර බා ගත කර ගන්න
Download Model Papers for O/Level examination 2016 – science maths sinhala
You can download Model papers for GCE O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination here. These Model papers were prepared by well experienced teachers in Sri Lanka: Update 2017: O/L 2017 Model Papers are here. O/L Science Model Paper </h2 Science Model paper was prepared by – Vidya Jothi Dr K Ariyasinghe, Most experienced science teacher for […]
ආචාර්ය පණ්ඩිත් ඩබ්. ඩී. අමරදේව – ගීත සහ පද මාලා බා ගත කර ගන්න
භාෂාවේත්, නාදයේත්, හඩ මාධූර්යයේත් සුවිශිෂ්ඨ සුසංයෝගය, දේශයේ මහා ගාන්ධර්ව ආචාර්ය පණ්ඩිත් ඩබ්. ඩී. අමරදේව සූරීන් උත්තර භාරතීය රාගධාරී සංගීතයෙන් සිංහල ගීත ක්ෂේත්රය පෝෂණය කළ ගෞරවණීය කලාකරුවෙකි. ගීත සහ පද මාලා බා ගත කර ගන්න
Download mp3 and lyrics of Dr. Pandith W.D. Amaradewa Songs
Veteran musician, Dr. Pandith W.D. Amaradewa passed away at the age of 88 years. Wannakuwatta Waduge Don Albert Perera, known by his adoptive name Amaradewa was a vocalist, violinist and composer. Born in December 5, 1927, he is considered to be the creator of a unique music style which was later practiced by artists like […]