After O Level examination, If you need to do GCE Advanced Level in Commerce stream, then we bring you subject options that you should select to enter into National University Degree Programs in Management and Commerce Faculties.
Management and Commerce degree courses in State Universities
Subject combinations for Selection to University Degree Programs in Commerce Stream
Students who wish to follow Commerce stream must choose at least two of the following subjects.
1. Accountancy
2. Business Studies (BS)
3. Economics
Third subject can be selected from one of the following subjects
1. Business Statistics
2. Geography
3. Political Science
4. History (History with History of Indian or European or World history)
5. The logic and the scientific method
6. English
7. German
8. French
9. Agricultural Sciences
10. Combined Mathematics
11. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
For example you can follow Accountancy, Economics and Business Statistics or Accountancy, Business Studies and ICT.
Download relevant circular from Ministry of Higher Education website – GCE Advanced Level Subject Options and Subject combinations for Selection to University Degree Programs
You may want to read:
Download A/L past Examination papers – Commerce stream
Download New A/L syllabuses and Teacher guides for GCE A/L 2019
if you need to know Subject options for GCE Advanced Level, then please read our other Post:
Sir can I choose bs , econ and accounting for my alevel s
can’t we do four subjects for a/l such as bs,acc,econ and bio?
can i do charted accountancy privatly after doin AL with accountig ,buissness studies and ict
Can I do economics, accountancy and business studies for a/l stream?
If I choose combined math accounting and economics can I go to science faculty and what degrees can I do
cannot select this oombination
Sir, can I know what are the jobs I can do after i do my A/ls in commerce stream by doing accountancy, business studies (BS)and ICT
Sir, the paths that I will be able to go in A/L in commerce stream by selecting business studies , accountancy & ICT.
sir can i do economics ,accounting and ict for a/l
Can I do Accountancy, Business Statistics & ICT for A/L
No. you have to select two of these subjects 1. Accountancy 2. Business Studies (BS) 3. Economics
Can I do business studies economic & islam for a/l commerce stream?
No, you have to select subjects from above list
What are the employment opportunities for Commerce in A/L???
Sir what are the opportunities of doing business statistics for AL’s
Z score is high. easy to do IT related jobs.
Sir, what are the paths that I will be able to go after completing A/L in commerce stream by selecting business studies , accountancy & ICT.
Can I choose commerce for A/ls without studying commerce at A/l?
And I like to do ICT also.. what subjects can I choose
You can do commerce stream for a/l without studying commerce for O/L
Can i choose combined maths and business studies and economics for a level
Yes you can.
what are the paths that I will be able to go after completing A/L in commerce stream by selecting business studies , economics & ICT.
Career pathways after A/L
If i do business studies economics and commbinned maths should i be able do engineering?
Can I do accounting,economics&
agriculture for A/L commerce stream?
Yes you can do. check the list above.
what works are in commerce after university?
sir wht shall i select economics or ict????
If you want to do management its better to do Economics.
sir,if i choose ict instead of economics shall i go through management??
Sir, could you please tell me,when I do commerce with IT(instead for a BS) what is the greatest career to go?
you can go to IT field or Management field
Sir, can I select ICT instead of Accounting?
And if I selected ICT for my a/ l can I do management
Yes. But many students in commerce stream do Econ and Accountancy