Syllabuses (Curricula) for all subjects of GCE Advanced Level have been changed from 2017 for GCE A/L 2019 and 2020, 2021 and 2022 A/L students. If you are planning to do A/L in 2020 after your O/L examination in 2017 December, then you have to follow this new Biology syllabus.
Read New Post on How to study new Biology Syllabus correctly?
How to study new A/L Biology syllabus correctly?
NIE conducted Seminars for GCE A/L teachers recently in 2017 August, informing them on the contents of new Biology Syllabus. In these syllabus teachers and students were informed that they should not use the old syllabus Teacher Guides, and they should follow Campbell Biology book in teaching and learning Biology.
At present A/L Biology syllabus contains 13 Units. New syllabus with 10 new units are being complied these days by NIE (National Institute of Education). New Teachers’ Guides are also being prepared by NIE. These syllabus are compiled by a team of University Professors, School Biology Teachers and officers of NIE.
Today major science advances are in atoms (in Physics and chemistry), bytes (in Information science) and in genes. While Physics and Chemistry are based on molecules and atoms, Biological processors are based on Genes. Cell function, evolution, human diseases, race, identity and even your behavior are determined by genes. Basis of the present syllabus is to put more emphasis on these new trends in Biology.
Hence when selecting A/L 2020 tuition classes, you should be careful in selecting a correct class. You should select a tuition class conducted by a teacher who has a good knowledge on these recent developments in Biology.
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Download NIE Resource Books (New 2019 July)
12 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත
13 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත 5(ii) ඒකකය
13 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත 6 ඒකකය
13 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත 7 ඒකකය
13 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත 8 ඒකකය
13 ශ්රේණිය – ජීව විද්යාව – සම්පත් පොත 9 ඒකකය
අ.පො.ස. උසස් පෙළ – ජීව විද්යාව – ප්රායෝගික අත්පොත -(2017)
Biology Resource Book – Grade 12
Biology Resource Book – Grade 13
Biology Resource Book Unit 07 and 08 – Grade 13
Biology Resource Book Unit 09 – Grade 13
Biology Resource Book Unit 10 – Grade 13
G.C.E. (A/L) Biology Practical Handbook (2017)
Units of New A/L Biology Syllabus
1. Introduction to Biology
2. Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life
3. Evolution and Diversity of Organisms
4. Plant form and function
5. Animal form and function
6. Genetics
7. Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology
8. Environmental Biology
9. Microbiology
10. Applied Biology
Download Biology (2017) New Syllabus form NIE website:
Download Biology Handouts from NIE web site
Biology Resource Book – Grade 12 (Unit 1-5)
ජීව විද්යාව (2017) Teacher Guide
ජීව විද්යාව, 3 ඒකකය- සම්පත් පොත – පරිණාමය හා ජීවීන්ගේ විවිධත්වය – 12 ශ්රේණිය
Download Biology Teacher Seminar Presentations
Download PowerPoint Presentations by Prof M. J. S. Wijeyaratne and Prof Nissanda De Silva on 2019 New Syllabus presented at Teacher Seminars conducted by NIE.
Evolution and diversity of organisms
Unit 01 –Introduction to Biology
Unit 02 -Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life
Watch video on GCE A/L 2019 Biology New Syllabus
Ministry of Education circular on questions for New A/L examination
Ministry of Higher Education has issued a circular specifying that for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Department of Examinations will prepared A/L questions based on the limitations specified in Learning Outcomes of the syllabi.
Read More…
which edition should I buy in ros and wils biology book
Ross and Wilson 13th edition
Can we sit for the AL exam next yr (2020) in Old Syllabus?
Sir ,
Ane Sir mcq answers dannako…
Dear Sir,
Micro-Resource book -cyanobacteria
“Single unicellular & colonial nonfilamentous forms reproduce by simple cell division while colonial filamentous & colonial unicellular forms reproduce by fragmentation
“Colonial nonfilamentous”&”colonial unicellular”
Don’t this both give the same meaning .Could you please explain me Sir?
Microsystis cyanobacteria colonial unicellular but non-filamentous.
Dear Sir,
is it correct if it tells that ” erythropoitein hormone is synthesized in the nephron.”?
IN the resource book its mentioned in the kidney only.
Can ” DNA polymerase” make phosphodyester bonds?
Dear Sir,
Resource book-MOLICULAR -DNA Replication – prokaryotic cells
“”Replication of large DNA molecules may begin at several origins of replication to speed up “ut under the differences in repli: between two types”prokaryotes usually have one Ori”could you please explain me Sir?
Large DNA molecules in Eukaryotas have several origins of replication or “ori’ s while prokaryotic circular DNA has one origin of replication or one “ori”.
In prokaryotic cells, there is only one point of origin, replication occurs in two opposing directions at the same time. Eukaryotic cells on the other hand, have multiple points of origin, and use unidirectional replication within the nucleus of the cell.
“”Replication of large DNA molecules may begin at several origins of replication to speed up the Replication”
It has been mentioned under the topic “DNA replication in prokaryotes”
So I got the idea that If the DNA molecule is large ,It
Can be several ori s in prokaryotic DNA
Is it wrong??Sir,could you please help me to understand this?
Sir, 2019 a/l examination biology questions will be based on only the resource books .
It should be based on resource book.
“Since the chromosomes are attached to “”the MEMBRANE””and held together by the ‘core’ acting as a barrier for rotation,”
What does “”the MEMBRANE””refer? Is it plasma membrane? Do the chromosomes attach to the plasma membrane in prokaryotic cells.could you please explain me Sir?
Yes. Genetic information in prokaryotic cells is carried on a single circular piece of DNA “Chromosome” which is attached to the cell membrane and in direct contact with the cytoplasm.
Thank you very much Sir .I got the idea very well.
Sir,I participate a/l exam this year I am following resource books now.what else I can do for biology???
study resource books well. examination questions will be based on these books.
Sir, what about practicals?
& Can we follow past papers??
There is a practical syllabus also (most similar to old syllabus practicals). Don’t do lots irrelevant past papers. But some questions are valid for new syllabus also.
sir , bio new syllabus walata follow karanna oni campbell eke mona edition ekada ?? 10th ? 11th ?
Campbell 10th edition. Eth 11th edition baluwath kamak na.
Dan NIE eke resource books awith thiyena nisa ewa balanna.
pls which book is recommended for 2019 A-level.physics,biology,chemistry.
A/L Physics books
A/L Biology books
A/L Chemistry books
Dear Sir, Please give me first part of unit five of Biology link for checking the new syllabus. Your cooperation in this regards highly appreciated.
Thank you Sir
Mahesh Mendis
Unit 5
Sir can I have English translation biology resource book link
All those books are in English medium.
I want tamil medium
Please download from NIE website. Select Tamil
Sir please give me the links that can download sinhala translation of biology resource book.
how can i downlod in new syllabus biology resource book
sir.. i am the o/l student who sit
in results are very law which i have never seek.but may i know the A/L stream that i can results are
A- Buddhism & History
B- sinhala language & music
C- Civil education & health 7 physical education
S- English , science , Maths
you can not follow science,commerce or art stream due to ‘S’ grades for maths.but you can sit again to OL and try to get ‘C’ grade for maths and science.
you have another option. you can apply for the ‘Professional stream’. or technology stream.
oyage results tikak madi thamai . eth “worst” nehe. maths S ekak OL walata oni AL karanna kiyala niithiyak mn nam ahala nehe . maths awula handa oyata science , commerce tech nethuwa Arts hariyai kiala hithenawa mata . mn arts peththanam wediya dannehe . e gena hodata danna kenekgen ahala hoda subjects 3k thoragena karanna Arts . target ekak thiyaganna . e wagemai karana subjects oyaa kemathi eewa wennath oni . sinhala , history hema A thiyena handa Arts hodata krgnn pluwn wei. hebei hoda sujects 3k thoraganna
PLs give a/l physics chemistry biology books in tamil
can i get the sinhala translation of this sylabus? becaouse i’m a sinhala medium student and if i got the sinhala translation it will be a great support for my studies.
You can download from nie website.
You can download from this link also
thankz to you sr. can you also tell me where i can found phycisc and chemistry resource books in sinhala?
Dear Sir,
I am still waiting for my results.I prefer to select molicular biology as my university course.Sir I want to be informed about this course.Many students mind that,if they follow this course they happen to go abroad for jobs.Is it correct? Sir,
Still opportunities in this field are rare in Sri Lnaka, as there is no industry based on this in Sri Lanka.
Hence you have to go abroad to do research.
Please translate another lessons to sinhala
What abt genetics,applied bio.,molecular biology, environmental and microbiology drafts? Are we getting them after Al’s?
How can i dawnload the syllabus in sinhala
I want this syllabus in English. How can I download it?
Thank you sir. Anymore changes in biology drafts especially 2nd unit cellular basis of life?
May I know the best reference books for chemistry and physics?
And whose lecture videos are best for 2019 in English. ….
Physics books
Chemistry books
Thank you sir. Anymore alterations to be done in the resource book or is it the final?