If you have passed GCE A/L with 3 subjects or you have other CBF, ICA-SL or CIMA-UK qualifications listed below, then you can apply for the post of Banking Assistants (Trainees) at Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Required Educational/Professional Qualifications:
Passed six subjects in G.C.E. (O/L) at one sitting with at least 5 B Passes including Mathematics and a Language (Sinhala, Tamil or English)
One of the following qualifications:
– G.C.E. (A/L) with at least 3 C Passes in main subjects (excluding General English) at one sitting
– Certificate in Banking and Finance (CBF)/Intermediate in Applied Banking & Finance (IABF) of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (IBSL)
– Certificate Level II of the Chartered Accountancy progarmme of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICA-SL)
– Management Level of the Management Accountancy programme of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of UK (CIMA-UK)
Not below 19 years and not above 23 years of age as at the closing date of the applications (30th April 2015)
Terms and Conditions Relating to the Position
- Training period will be two (02) years and all inclusive fixed allowance of Rs. 27,500/- per month will be paid during the training period.
- Trainees will be considered to be absorbed as Management Assistants in Non-Staff Class Grade II to the permanent cadre on successful completion of the training period.
- An attractive remuneration package including usual fringe benefits will be offered upon absorption to the permanent cadre.
- Selected applicants should be prepared to serve in Regional Offices of the Central Bank during the training period as well as after absorbing in to the permanent cadre in the Bank Service.
Selection Procedure
Through a competitive examination conducted by the Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka and one or more interviews.
Application Procedure
Application Procedure and more details please visit Central Bank Website: (http://www.cbsl.gov.lk)
English – http://www.cbsl.gov.lk/htm/english/12_sco/sco.html
Sinhala – http://www.cbsl.gov.lk/htm/sinhala/12_sco/sco.html
Tamil – http://www.cbsl.gov.lk/htm/tamil/12_sco/sco.html
Application Deadline:
30 April 2015.
For details contact
Director – Human Resources
Central Bank of Sri Lanka,
No. 30, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01
Telephone : 2477330, 2477206
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is established under the Monetary Law Act, No. 58 of 1949. They provide prudential and pro-active policy recommendations to the government with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism, earning respect for its objectivity and apolitical stance.
How to apply that job?
When is the next selection interview for banking trainee of cbsl