Aquinas University College is situated in a parkland in Borella, provides a peaceful environment conducive to educational actives. It offers a wide range of full time and part time certificates, diploma and degree courses. In 2004 it was awarded the status of a Degree Awarding Institute by the University Grants Commission.
Certificate Courses:
Career Development Course in Pharmacy Management
Certificate Course in Radio /TV
A/L English as a Subject
German for Beginners
Certificate Course in Refrigeration /Air Conditioning
French for Beginners
Certificate Course in Microsoft Office
Certificate Course in Biblical Studies
Advanced Certificate Course in Radio /TV
Certificate Course in Graphic Designing
Advanced Certificate Course in Refrigeration /Air Conditioning
Japanese for Beginners
Certificate Course in Programming Language
Tamil for Beginners
Tamil Advanced Course
Certificate Course in Web Page Development
French Advanced Course
Certificate Course in Java with Flash
Chinese for Beginners
Certificate in Business English
Italian for Beginners
Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Nursing
Diploma in Food Science Technology
Diploma in Information & Communication Technology (DICT)
Diploma in Agriculture
Diploma In Marketing Management (D.MKt.)
Diploma in Pharmacy Management and Practice
Diploma in English
Foundation Diploma in Business Accounting (FDBA)
Diploma in Religious Studies
Diploma in Hardware Engineering and Networking
Diploma in Plantation Management
Diploma in Financial Accounting (DFA)
Diploma In Professional Business Management (DPBM)
Diploma in Animal Husbandry
Diploma in Management Accounting (DMA)
Diploma In Human Resource Management (DHRM)
Diploma in Floriculture & Landscaping
Diploma In Effective Customer Communication (DECM)
Diploma in Taxation & Commercial Law (DT& L)
Certified Management Accounting
Diploma In Banking Management (D.BkM)
Higher Diploma in Business & Financial Management (HDBFM)
Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dip. in English Teacher Education
Diploma In Management (DM)
Diploma in Construction Industry (Civil Engineering)
Diploma in Private Secretary’s
Advance Diploma In Marketing (ADMK)
Diploma in Telecommunication Systems
Diploma in Quantity Survey
Diploma in Law
Diploma in Business English
Degree Courses: – Some of these degrees are recognized by University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka.
BA Degree in Business Administration
Bachelor of Information Technology ( BIT ) ( Internal ) – English Medium
Bachelor of Information Technology ( BIT ) ( Internal ) – English Medium
Bachelor of Arts (General) Degree (BA) in Humanities
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Counselling (B.Sc.) ( Internal ) – English Medium
Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) ( Internal ) – Sinhala Medium
Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) ( Internal ) – English Medium
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies (B.A.) ( Internal ) – Sinhala Medium
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies (B.A.) ( Internal ) – English Medium
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (B.A.) (Internal) – English
These courses are offered by following faculties of study at the College.
Faculty of Under Graduate Studies
Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Hospitality Management
Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
Faculty of Marketing & Management
Faculty of Professional Studies
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Business & Financial Management
Faculty Of Nursing
Faculty of Linguistics I
Faculty of Linguistics II
Aquinas University College
No. 990, Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha, Maradana Road
Colombo 08.
Telephone : +94 11 269 4014; +94 11 269 4015; +94 11 461 6311; +94 11 461 8689
E-mail : [email protected]
I just want to no how can I join to phrmcy dip. When the exam gazzt for next recruitment.
I did my a/l in bio technology stream and got 3c with agriculture ,further i have s pass for al general english ,plz may i know the way follow a dgree in aquinas college,in addition to that plz guide me to in which side ( food science technology or agriculture ) plz sir /miss help me to select a decision
Can I know the duration of Chinese course
I would like to get some infor regarding the suitable course my son can follow
He has done his A/Ls in bio science As results were biology c, chemistry d, and physics e. and will be doing his A2 in may june, therefore i would appreciate your advice .
Thanks and regards.
Check this for courses after a Level
I want to know about agriculture diploma course.Please be kind to send the star days & courses detail.
Agriculture Diploma details
I just want to know about diploma in food science and technology.the time duration and course fee.
I want to know about business in English course, (course fee, starting date, & others)
Send me nay avalable course detals for a IT proffesional
When start diploma in floriculture course ?
Can do it n.v.q 3and4 completed students?
please be kind to send the star days of business management courses and computer
excel courses detail.
I would like to know the price for eng diploma
Pl contact the institute for cost of the course
I want information with regards to the DHRM .
And the Advance French course as well.
I would like to register for English diploma course next semester in your institute.
Please call the institute to get details on English classes
my son is 13 years old. Are there any English courses for them(week end)
10/17, Dharmapala Mawatha, Kuliyapitiya.
Could you please let me knw about the details of HRM diploma.. as wel as about the next intake
I am student of NSBM. Now i am in second year. I am willing to follow Tamil Lanuage at your institution. Please let me know about tamil caurses details.( including dates,fees)
mnm m,m,m,m, nbnhjn
Could you please let me know the commencing date of the ” Diploma in English ” week end course.