It is very common that students do part-time jobs while studying in foreign universities. It’s obvious that if you don’t work, you will have more time to study, but doing a job can get you some income to survive or get some pocket money without depending on parents.
Research has shown that those students who work while studying tend to understand and grasp their studies much better than those who are not on job. They understand the nature of business and get a practical learning about how things are done. For example if a student is studying telecommunications and works at a call center, he will understand each and every thing much better.
However students working while studying should definitely not divert from their studies and keep a balance between their studies as well as job.
Types of part-time jobs that foreign students do include Child care, landscaping/ maintaining garden/ gardener, swim lesson instructor, house cleaning, tuition (tutor), office assistant, management assistant, delivery jobs, lifeguard, sales assistant, recreation assistant, web designers, violinist/ musician, mailing letters, dishwasher, IT technical assistants, tour guides, book keeper, delivery work, receptionist, creative writers, drivers, photographers, graphic designers.
In Sri Lankan universities part-time jobs are not promoted. However following are some part time job ideas for students who follow university degrees or other courses.
16 Part Time Job/ Self employment Ideas while studying
- Conduct Tuition Classes –
This is very common among undergraduates. Many popular tuition teachers
start their career while studying in University. You can do A/L, O/L or
even classes for other school children.
- Photography –
If you have a DSLR camera then you can start your own photography business
by photographing your friends for special events such as weddings.
- Research Assistant or as Research study participant
Gain experience in your field of interest by working as a Research
Assistant for one of your lectures or professors in your department/campus.
Check with your University to see what research studies are looking for
- Freelance
You probably have some skills eg. Web designing, editing, copywriting, computer programming, graphic design etc. Then you can use your skills and talents to build a business of your own, as a freelancer (self-employed person). You can earn money by offering your talents and skills to the world without leaving your home or office. Fiverr and Upwork are
massive marketplaces for all types of freelance work.
Check Sri Lankans who are offering their services at Fiverr, a popular freelance site.
- Restaurant Jobs – Waiter Staff
You can work in large Hotels and also places like MacDonald’s, Pizza Hut,
KFC. You can earn money and have free meals also.
- Sales Assistant jobs in Shops
- Promotion campaigns/ Advertising
Eg. Distribution of handbills, putting up posters, Business inaugural
advertising campaigns
- Data Entry Operator
These jobs have easy working hours, sometimes you can do these at your home
using your computer.
- Content writer/ Creative writing jobs
If you can write creatively there are several jobs available as creative
article writers or web copy writers.
- Programing/ IT jobs
- Product marketing jobs/ Telemarketer
These jobs involve marketing of products to customers by visiting home or
other methods.
- Invest in Stock Market
Read our article on Students Guide to Invest in Colombo Stock Exchange
- Insurance agent or wealth planner
- Design work – Print design, Web design, Video editing
If you are knowledgeable in Photoshop and other print design software you
can work for designing various advertising materials.
Account Assistant/ Book Keeping/ Tax advising and tax report preparation
- Customer Service & Call Center jobs
You may also check part time job openings in website.
How to find a job? A guide to school leavers after O/L & A/L
Higher Education and Career Options in IT
Educational Pathways in Management, Accountancy and Marketing
I am Amesh,I am student of University of Moratuwa.I need a part time job..If you have please contact me.
E-mail – [email protected]
Tel – 0768710956
I need a Part time Job as a Data Entry
I have 15 Years work Experience in information Technology assistant
my Contact No 0784473742
Im shehan am i need part time job please contact me. 0752931125
Hi ravindu. Im vinuka form matale. whats going on your studies?
I’m bimali hansika. Nowadays I am studying at sabaragamu university.i need path time job. I like to get job experience [email protected]
I am final year physiotherapy student in university of peradeniya. I am finding part time job. If you have any job please contact me…
T.P 0719865153
Iam Chathurika.Iam studing in management faculty of university of Colombo.I have one year experience in accounting & auditing field.Now Iam finding a part time job. If you have,please contact me.
Mobile -077 0438426
Email- [email protected]
I’m Navodya Perera from Kotte. I’m doing QS BTec HND in CSCT. Here I am looking for a parttime job. If please anyone can help me, contact me through following email address.Thank you.
[email protected]
iam a internal student at university of peradeniya. how i find a part time job?
I’m udeshika,following a special degree in statistics.need a part time job around kelaniya.
I’am ravindu
I live in kelaniya
A/l Resalt -B.s-A ,Econ -B ,Account -B
I want part time job
Help my studies
i am Thathsarani. i’m studying Wayamba university of sri lanka. i am finding a part time job subject related or not. so please contact me if you have any. Thank you.
mobile 0717609696
I’m a student of university of colombo. I wanna be a tour guider.. how can I be? please send me an email. [email protected]
Sri Lanka Tour Guides are trained and certified by the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA). … fulltime intensive training course in geography, history, archaeology, culture …
I am asha.currently i am following qs degree in icbt campus.and i seeking for a part time job.if u have please send me a mail.thank [email protected]
i’m following diploma in information technology at open university. i want a part time data entry job.plz help me.
Im hasith madushanka. Im student of software engineering java institute in bamblapitya, and i have good computer hardware skills ,i have one year experience to work in hardware technician. I looking for it parttime job any one have call me 077-9799523. Thanku
I am studing for LLB London on week end . I can do a job four week days .If l can find a job
Im sandeepa rukshan im sure i can superb design and work powerpoint presentaion
I am an undergraduate of University Of Colombo.Have a sound knowledge of English.I need a part time job.
I’m Gayathri kangaratnam a 2nd year student of SLIIT I need a part time job which may help to my studies
I am looking for someone to brush up my daughter’s spoken English. If you are interested pls call me at 077-317 7072.
Lives in peradeniya.i need a part time im final year student of university of peradeniya
I am dilshan.i am a sutdent of software enginnering icbt canpus i hope to find a part time plz if any one can help me
Plz contact me 0718918830
i am Rajitha, i studing at ICBT campus in kandy as a HND Psychology student.i finding a part time job.if you have please contact me
[email protected]
I live in kadawatha. I need part time job.external degree 1 st of kelaniya.
I need part time job..
Im undergraduate of university of Ruhuna…
Course-Agric business management