Provincial papers are issued by Educational Departments of Provincial councils. We bring you Some O/L Provincial Papers issued on December…
You can download Model papers for 2019 GCE O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination here. These Model papers were prepared by well…
Department of Examinations has released Prototype Examination papers and structure of question papers based on new O/L syllabus for 2016.…
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Open Learning website has published Model Papers for GCE A/L 2019 examination in following subjects. You…
You can download Pre-practice Rehearsal Model papers from e-thaksalawa. Model papers are presented here with answers (marking schemes) for many…
Department of Examinations has released Prototype Examination papers and structure of question papers based on new A/L syllabus. Examination based…
You can download Model papers for 2018 GCE O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination here. These Model papers were prepared by well…
Department of Education does not publish Model Papers/ Support Seminar Papers now. However some educational materials that may be useful…
You can download Model papers for 2017 GCE O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination here. These Model papers were prepared by well…
Ministry of Education has published Model Papers for GCE A/L Science for Technology. Department of Examinations has published Structure of…