
Download A/L Papers, Marking schemes and evaluation reports

Links updated: 2017 April 11 Department of Examinations has published Evaluation Reports for GCE A/L 2012, 2013, 2014 examinations. You…

10 years ago

Download Sinhala Tamil New Year Aurudu nakath litha 2014

Sinhala and Tamil new year of Sri Lanka will be held on 13- 14 April 2014. New year Aurudu Nakath…

10 years ago

Download A/L Physics Colombo Schools Term test exam papers

We as students of leading Colombo Schools who are among the top 100 in 2011 A/L Examination initiated a Club…

11 years ago

Top web sites to Download Free Sinhala MP3 Songs

There are numerous web sites offer Free Sinhala MP3 Songs by popular Sri Lanka singers, These onlines websites offer free…

11 years ago

Software developed by Sri Lankans – download free

Several Sri Lankans, including school children develop great software. We bring you some of those software and links to download…

11 years ago

Download Sinhala Song Books with lyrics and listen songs

Download these two Sinhala Song Books prepared by Asoka Don Liyanage, a Sri Lankan living in Mississauga , Ontario ,…

12 years ago

Download Sri Lanka Desk Calendar 2013 Sinhala,Tamil, English

Sri Lanka Desk Calendar 2013, official Government publication, is now available to download from web site of the Government press…

12 years ago

Download Sinhala and Tamil Unicode Fonts free

Sri Lanka adopts the Unicode which is the globally accepted encoding system to use local languages in computers.  Here we…

12 years ago

Type Sinhala unicode fonts free with Google Transliteration

Now you can type sinhala fonts using Google Transliteration. Google Transliteration allows you to type phonetically using Roman characters. You…

13 years ago

Download Protype Model Papers for G.C.E. A/L Examination

Department of Examinations published Model Papers (Protype Questions) and structure of the question papers and for G.C.E.(A.L) Examination from 2011…

13 years ago