A/L 2020 MCQ Answers Answers for 2019 A/L MCQ questions prepared by various tuition teachers and published in social media…
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Open Learning website has published Model Papers for GCE A/L 2019 examination in following subjects. You…
The Department of Examination informed that private candidates can download their G.C.E Advanced Level Examination admissions from doenets website. The…
Usually applicants have to visit Department of Examinations at their Battaramulla office and apply for Certificates of General Certificate of…
Time table for GCE A/L 2019 time table has been released by the Department of Examinations. Time Tables can be…
GCE A/L Commerce stream contains following three main subjects Economics Business Studies Accountancy You can select two of the above…
Economics is a social science that primarily deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. This is a…
You can watch and download video lessons for GCE A/L New syllabus prepared by University of Sri Jayewardnepura. You can…
You can download Engineering Technology videos from various sites, which are listed here. PVC pipe bending practical in in A/l Engineering Technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz5ohjq9RTg…
Island best results of 2018 G.C.E Advanced Level examination: Bio Science 1).Kalani Rajapaksha - Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya, Gampaha 2). Ravindu…