The results of G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination 2019 were released online yesterday. Sachini Wijewardena of Visaka College in Colombo…
2019 GCE A/L results have been released and now the students want to know how they will get admission based…
Then presidential candidate and Present President of Sri Lanka HE Gotabaya Rajapaksa delivered inspiring speech at the Viyathmaga convention on…
Based on election maifesto of the President HE Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Cabinet announced a decision to introduce a new “school-based scientific…
A/L 2020 MCQ Answers Examination Papers, Proposed Answers and Marking schemes for 2019 O/L O Level examination compiled by different…
Update 2019 May - Download 2020 School Admission Application here. Applications for the admission of children for Government Schools for…
Several Book stores are located in the City of Colombo and suburbs selling new books as well as second hand…
Now you can download past papers of the External Degrees offered by External Degrees and Extention Course Unit of. University of…
2017 අගෝස්තු මස පැවැත්වූ අධ්යයන පොදු සහතික පත්ර උසස් පෙළ විභාග ප්රතිඵල අද අලුයම නිකුත් වුණා. ප්රතිපල විභාග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් බලන්න.…
The Department of Examinations released School cut-off marks to enter Grade 6 based on Grade 5 Scholarship Examination held in…