Kumar Sangakkara's unbeaten knock of 52 helped Sri Lanka beat India in the World T20 final to win their maiden…
The U.S. Department of State announces the launch of Shaping the Way We Teach English, a massive open online course (MOOC) for…
ගම්පහ රත්නාවලී බාලිකාවේ කේ ඒ මෙනුෂිකා ජයනි කාරියවසම් හා කොළඹ විශාඛා විදුහලේ තපෝදා හරින්ද්රිa ගංගොඩවිල මුල් තැන දිනාගෙන සිටිති. මාතර…
Harindi Gangodavila of Vishaka Vidyalaya, Colombo and Menushika Kariyawasam of Rathnawali Balika Vidyalaya, Gampaha became the Island Best students based…
ඡායාරූපකරණ පාඨමාලා https://studentlanka.com/2014/04/03/how-to-become-a-photographer-photography-courses-in-sri-lanka/
Photography is a fun hobby that can easily become a well paying career. Photography requires a lot of individual creativity…
සිංහල හින්දු අලුත් අවුරුදු නැකත් චාරිත්ර 2013 ලිත බා ගත කර ගනිමට පිවිසෙන්න. http://wp.me/p39cSw-Ou නව සඳ බැලීමට අභිනව චන්ද්ර වර්ෂය…
Sinhala and Tamil new year of Sri Lanka will be held on 13- 14 April 2014. New year Aurudu Nakath…
Sri Lanka Government Information Centre recently launched a Railway schedule application on their website. You can visit the website and…