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Fuel-efficient driving tips for Sri Lankan drivers – How to drive to save fuel?

Fuel-efficient driving is more important than ever in Sri Lanka, as the country is currently facing a foreign currency crisis. The cost of importing fuel and other petroleum products is a significant contributor to the country’s economic struggles.

By driving efficiently, you can save money on fuel and help reduce the demand for imported fuel. This can help ease the strain on the country’s foreign currency reserves and potentially lower fuel prices for everyone.

Driving efficiently can save you money on fuel and help reduce your carbon footprint and improve your vehicle’s overall performance and longevity.

Here are some tips for fuel-efficient driving in Sri Lanka:

Keep your tires properly inflated: Underinflated tires can increase fuel consumption by up to 3%. Check your tire pressure regularly and inflate to the recommended level.

  1. Avoid excessive acceleration and braking: Sudden acceleration and braking can significantly increase fuel consumption. Instead, try to maintain a constant speed and anticipate stops so you can brake gradually.
  2. Use the highest gear possible: When driving at a constant speed, try to use the highest gear possible to reduce engine revs and save fuel.
  3. Remove excess weight: Extra weight in your vehicle can increase fuel consumption. Remove any unnecessary items from your trunk and cabin to lighten the load.
  4. Use the air conditioning in moderation: Air conditioning can increase fuel consumption, so try to use it only when necessary. If possible, roll down the windows instead.
  5. Turn off the engine when idling: If you’re stopped for more than a minute or two, it’s more fuel-efficient to turn off the engine than to let it idle.
  6. Use cruise control: If you’re driving on the highway, use the cruise control to maintain a constant speed and save fuel.
  7. Use a fuel-efficient vehicle: These vehicles are designed to use less fuel, emit fewer emissions, and have a smaller environmental impact than traditional petrol-powered vehicles.

Fuel Efficient Vehicles

There are several types of fuel-efficient vehicles available, including:

Electric vehicles (EVs):

These vehicles are powered entirely by electricity, which makes them a zero-emission option. They are generally more fuel-efficient than gas-powered vehicles, especially when charged with renewable energy. Eg  Nissan Leaf

Hybrid vehicles:

These vehicles combine a gas engine with an electric motor, which allows them to switch between the two power sources depending on the driving conditions. This can significantly reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

Fuel-efficient vehicles:

Fuel efficiency describes the vehicle’s fuel consumption performance. Anything that is listed as less than 6 litres/100km or more than 16.5km/1 litre is considered to be pretty good.

By following these fuel-efficient driving tips, you can save money on fuel and do your part to reduce your carbon footprint. Happy driving!




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