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If you have three S passes at A/L then you can apply for the three-year degree program offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka. If you do not have A/L still you can follow this course after completing their Foundation certificate course.

Entry requirements
- Three GCE A/L passes in science or equivalent qualifications
- or Successful completion of relevant Foundation courses in science/ Foundation Certificate in Science of the OUSL.
Why select BSc Degree of the OUSL?
- A recognized Degree from a National University in Sri Lanka
- Quality Academic Programme
- Flexibility to study whilst employed
- Diverse disciplines of study to choose from Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology
- Financial assistance through Bursaries, Scholarships, and student loan from People’s Bank
Submission of Applications from 14th November 2021
Apply online by via open University website: https://reginfo.ou.ac.lk/applyonline/
Closing date of Applications: 14th January 2022
For details visit

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