You can follow selected Sri Lankan GCE A/L subjects in Science, Commerce and Art stream in English Medium in some Government Schools. Several selected subjects are also taught in English Medium from Grade 6 onwards in Government Schools.
Why English Medium is introduced in Sri Lanka?
Ministry of Education in its 2008/48 circular says that when considering the globalization of the present world and the rapid changes in the communication field, it is clearly understood the importance of learning an International Language. English is the most familiar International Language to the Sri Lankans . To enter the higher studies, including University Education, the knowledge of English is very much important. Because of these reasons, teaching several Science subjects at G.C.E (A/L) in English Medium was started in government schools, from 2001 onwards. In addition to that to teach several selected subjects in English medium from Grade 6 onwards was also started from year 2002.
Which subjects can you follow in English Medium?
You can follow following 10 subjects in English Medium for the G.C.E (A/L) in Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Commerce and Art streams.
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Combined Mathematics
- Agriculture
- Accountancy
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Basics in Political Science
- Geography
In addition to that, if one school is needed to teach any other subject/s in English medium that particular school should take the approval from the Ministry of Education.
Within the subject frame, supplied by the school, any student can decide the number of subjects in English medium. According to the subject stream, relevant all the subjects or selected number of subjects, can be learnt in English medium.
Can you sit only some subjects in English at A/L Exam?
The students who learn the (A/L) subjects in English medium can select the medium to sit for the G.C.E. (A/L) examination according to their preference. They can sit for the all subjects that they learnt in English Medium or, for a few subjects or even only for one subject in English Medium. If not, they can sit for all subjects in Sinhala or Tamil Medium. In this way, the medium that they hope to sit for the examination should be decided only when applying for the G.C.E. (A/L) examination. Later, it is not possible to change the medium of the language that the students are going to sit for the examination.
Does the results sheet contain Medium of the Subject?
In the results sheet, it is clearly mentioned the medium of the subject separately.
Download relevant 2008 Circular from Ministry of Education
can you tell me where to get english medium notes for business studies for a/l
My son completed his SSC 1 and 2 in English medium [Pakistani federal board exam]. His age is 16 years now. We are Sri Lankan but living in KSA. Can he do A/L in English medium in Sri Lanka?
if you want to do at private schools, you may get a change. Try to contact them and see
Sir I want to political .
Can I know if i select accounts &econ from main subjects, can i do a language like japanese as the third subject ?
No. commerce stream students cannot do languages.
Can I please know about designing? (A/L)
are there any age limit is required to apply for the G.C.E.A/L? Bellow 18 and
above 40 can be accepted as a candidate?
pl give me fully detaile
It says that a candidate can follow following 10 subjects in English Medium for the G.C.E (A/L) in Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Commerce and Art streams.Biology
Combined Mathematics
Business Studies
Basics in Political Science
My question is if I want to sit A/L in English medium with folloeing subjects English Literature, History and ICT ,What shall i Do if those subjects not allowed to sit in english medium?
Very good teachers, very skillful, and very compassionate. They have good knowledge of life. It is good to learn from them in Sri Lanka itself.
Any reputable teacher who can prepare a set of sample question papers [multiple & General] for Chemistry, Physics & Biology for a student preparing 17 A/L exam, please contact me. I am ready to pay. Questions should not be from pass papers. It should be targeted toward 17 exam.
I am Krishnasamy Arunesar,a retired Engineering Assistant who worked for 36 years in a reputed Govt.Organisation.My mother tongue is Tamil,but i am fluent in Sinhala.Translation of G.C.E.(A/L) Science medium Papers(Physics and Chemistry) from Sinhala to Tamil and English I have few model Papers translated from Sinhala to English.But they are just lying…because I haven’t come across a student studying in English medium.I think they will be usefull to you.I cannot prepare any papers.But i can translate them into English.Please send your E mail address to me.I can send some sample papers.Then you can decide.
my Email Address [email protected]