You can start your career as a Banker by Joining Sampath Bank, one of the leading Banks in the country, as Trainee Staff Assistant. If you have three (03) passes at the GCE (A/L) examination and below 23 years of age, then You can apply this Banking Job.
Banking Staff Assistants act as an interface between the Bank and the customer whilst managing a progressive communication flow in order to establish profitable customers through superior customer service.
Banking as a Profession/ Career
Banking is a profession that offers a rapid career progression and good pay and benefits. It’s also a challenging profession that looks to its talented new workforce to help boost the economy and restore public faith in the industry.
How to Apply?
You can visit Sampath Bank Vacancies website for details on latest Posts offered by Sampath Bank.
Apply for Trainee Banking Assistant here (Apply before 18/08/2017)
I’m kavisha nawodi.i have passed 2014 o.l exam A6 B1 C2.I faced 2017 a.l exam in combined maths,physics,chemistry, genaral english (c) & i,m doing 2nd shine in this year
Follow student transcription diploma course in MES campus
Follw english diploma course(REC)
I’m A.M.S.K Athapaththu. I’m 19 years old. I passed O/L examination with A8 and C1 in 2015 and A/L examination with A3 (Accounting,Economics and Business Studies). I am following chartered course.
I”am Neranjika.I passed O/L exam with 4high level pass and 4credited level pass,one subject near level pass in 2014.Then,after I passed the A/L examination in 2018 for commerce subject.I have 2 credited pass,1 ordinary passes.I followed 2 computer courses an following Minisrty of Publick administration and management.I am following charterd Executive 01 Level course.
I ‘m Chamodi sayurika.I have passed 2013 O/L A4 B3 C3 and 2017 A/L A1 B2 (Accounting A) Passes in commerce.I completed Executive level In charted accountancy.Now I following Bussiness Level in charted accountancy.I am a audit trainee at audit firm since 2017 to Present.
I hav passed o/l c 3,S5 and A/L S3 I folowed 2 compute courses and following 1 computer course Minisrty of public administration and management. I following british english course.
I’m D.S.K.Jayasinghe
I have 1A pass, 4B passes, 2C passes & 2S passes in my O/L exam 2011
I have a c pass in my second shine for English
I have 1B pass & 2C passes in A/L exam 2014
I followed an English course in British way English Academy
I followed an MS office course in Esoft Metro Campus
I have A2 B6 C1 pasaess For my o/exam in 2014, I have 3C pasess (economics, account,business) for A/l 2017, then I’m following 2nd level from aat course and I’m following cma foundation level. can I apply for your vacansy
I’m Inoka Sandamali Aluwihare
I have passe the o/l exam in 2013 A3 B1 C2 S3
I have passe the a/l Exam in 2016 B1 C2 (Economic B)
I have passe the second shine o/l english C and Tamil S
I followed Diploma Management course
I followed AAT 2nd stage
I’m J.M. Ruwani Thakshila Wijesinghe
I have passed 2014 o/l A2 B2 C3 S2
I have passed 2017 A/l C2 S1 ( Commerce Subjects and English “C” Pass)
I Following HRM Course
I’m G.G.P.S.M.Nishadani Peris from Kurunegala.I am 21 years old.I passed O/L examination with A4 B2 and C3 in 2013 and A/L examination with B2 (Economics and Business Studies ) , C 1(Accounting )in 2016.I am following HNDA and Chaterd.
I have 3 A passes, 2 B passes, 4 C passes in my O/L, I have 1 S pass for biology
I followed a English course at Aquinas academy
I followed a NVQ level 04 ICT Technician Course at Vocational Training Center
I’m Sapna Dilendri Wickramasooriya I have passed 2014 O/L exam A2,B2,C2,S3
I have passed 2017. A/L exam 3S and I am doing second shine this year
I followed aat and chaterd executive level courses
I followed 2 English Diploma in BCAS kandy campus and English bee I followed computer course in Institute Manegment and Information Technology
I’m A.M.Anjali Kumudu Bandara
I have passed 2014 o/l A4 B3 s2
I have passed 2017 A/l A1 c2(Accounting A)
I followed aat course 1st 2nd levels
I followed 3 monthes English course
I followed a computer cource
I have passed 2014 O/L A2 b2 c5 and2017 A/L 3c passes in commerce.