The Certificate in Business English course is conducted by the English Language Teaching Unit, University of Colombo as an extension programme on weekends. The course presents the English essential for doing business in today’s global marketplace, taking into account international contexts, countries and cultures where English is often used as the language of communication in a business environment.
All participants who successfully complete the course are awarded a certificate from the University of Colombo.
The course is designed for those who are interested in improving their competence in English language in order to be more successful in a business environment.
Modules taught include:
- Effective communication Icy business
- Negotiation skills
- Business letters, report & project
- Conducting & participating in meetings proposal writing
- Telephone etiquette
- Skills in conducting & facing interviews
- Making presentations using Multimedia
Free use of a well equipped Self Access Centre with web based language resources
Course Duration – Four months (60 hours)
- Batch 1 – Saturday 8.00 Am to 12.15 Pm
- Batch 2 – Saturday 1.00 Pm to 5.15 Pm
- Batch 3 – Sunday 8.00 Am to 12.15 Pm
For further information contact:
Business English
English Language Teaching Unit
University of Colombo
Ph 011 2506705
Email; [email protected]
Obtain applications before 19 July 2017
Selection Examination – 22 July 2017
Download Details:
certificate in business English University of colombo (pdf)
add me to this course
Pahala karannagoda
Pl contact university for details