The Grade 5 Scholarship examination will be held on Sunday, 20th August 2017, according to the timetable for schools examinations of the Department of Examinations.
Department of Examination has also announced that they have not decided to postpone the Grade 5 or A/L 2017 examination, as some people anticipated that these exams would postpone due to recent flooding and landslides in Sri Lanka.
The GCE O/L exam will be held between December 12 and 21.
The GCE A/L examination will commence on August 8 and conclude on September 2. You can download GCE A/L 2017 time table now.
You might like to read
- Grade 5 Scholarship 2016 cut off marks for Popular Schools
- Download and watch free video lessons for Grade 5 Scholarship examination from Jathika pasala
i want 2017 scholaship paper please
2017 grade 5 scholarship paper please
Can you please send me the grade 5 scholarship paper of 2017
Can you send scholarship paper 2017
I want 2017 scholarship past paper
Please buy a past paper book.
Scholership exam paper please 2017
We do not have the paper.
Scholershih papet plese
I want to 2017 exam risalt
I need grade 5 exam paper 2017-08-20
I want scholarship exam paper 2017.8.20
Please send me to grade 5 scholarship exam paper 2017
I want to get exam paper in 2017
Can you sent me garade 5 scholrship 2017 paper
You have to buy a book that contains Past Papers.
A book containing past question papers and answers of 2014 Grade 5 Scholarship examination has been released as a publication of Educational Publications Department.
The book is available in sinhala and tamil mediums and a copy of a sinhala medium book is sold at Rs.24/- and a Tamil medium book at Rs.38/-.
In addition to the above a book comprising questions and answers of Grade 5 scholarship examinations held from 2008-2013 “Shishshathwa Prashnoththara Sangrahaya 2008-2013” is also available at Book Sales Promotional Centres of the Educational Publications Department at a price of Rs.140/-.(KH)
Can you please send me the grade 5 scholarship paper of 2017..
Please give me 2017 scholarship past papers
Please give me 2017 scholarship past paper
I want to get 2017 Grade 5 scholarship exam paper
Please give me 2017 scholarship past papers
want the 2017 scolaship paper
Pl kindly send it to me,
I want to get 5 year scholarship exam pastpaper
Scholarship exam paper 2017
Scholarship exam paper 2017