In Positive thinking you anticipate happiness, health and success, and believe you can overcome any obstacle and difficulty, by focusing on bright side of life. In Sri Lanka several positive thinking trainers and communicators who deliver permutations and appear in television video and radio programs.
Kalif Rahim has noted the main points in Mr Dhammika Perera’s speech.
Knowledge Driven – Since knowledge is power. I always try to learn something new every day.
If you know it do it. If you don’t know it, try weather you can do it.
Don’t delay work (Do it or Don’t do it).
Knowledge brings you wisdom.
Communicate Effectively – Whenever I explain complex issues, I simplify the problem so that even a 6 year old can even understand.
Maximum 2 or 3 lines
Problem Solving – I look at the bigger problem and see how it can be broken into smaller parts for which solutions are already exists
If a car is broken only a part is broken. The total car cannot be broken. Spare parts cost so little.
Keep Questioning – I always ask questions. This is my desire to learn more. Asking the relevant question always adds more knowledge to my life. Never stop questioning.
Getting it right – Right timing, right people, right direction and the right place is an important factor specially when starting an new project.
Setting High Standards – My receipt for success is to raise the bar whenever I reach my goal and establishing a benchmark for the rest of the industry.
Set goals and strategies
Prioritize – Daily identify the most important tasks and work around those ones and I focuses on activities that drives the greatest results and ignore the rest.
If you are too busy then you are doing something wrong in your life.
Delegate the responsibilities
Keep time for your things (eg. Think more on strategies)
Be Passionate – I love and enjoy the process. If I love what I do I am more eager to learn and work. Became a success of enjoyment.
Be happy yourself
Mental & Physical Balance – I believe mental health is as important as physical health. We look after the employee’s mental well-being through physiotherapy and concealing programs and train them well so they achieve a holistic balance.
Helping Others – I reach out those who are in need through my charity work.