Do you grow or hope to cultivate vegetables, rice, grains, or export agriculture corps in Sri Lanka. We bring you Leaflets and books published by the Department of Agriculture here. These contain information on how to grow crops, pest and disease control, compost making, organic farming and other details for making money in agriculture. These are available in Sinhala medium.
- ගෙවතු වගාව
- කාබනික වගාව
- කෘෂි මාර්ගෝපදේශය
- පලතුරු වගාව
- එළවළු වගාව
- අල බෝග වගාව
- වෙනත් ක්ෂේත්ර බෝග
- බිම්මල් වගාව
- වී වගාව
- මී මැසි පාලනය
- GAP සහතික කිරීමේ මාර්ගෝපදේශ
- ගොවිපල යාන්ත්රණය
- ආරක්ෂිත කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය
- කෘෂි සංඛ්යාලේඛන
- වගා පිරිවැය
- වෙනත්
Books on Fruit growing
Download Books form Department of Agriculture website
Visit the Department of Agriculture’s official website to download these publications
- Download books in Sinhala Medium –
- Download books in Tamil medium –
- Download Enblish medium books – 081-2388229
Agriculture Advisory Service -1920
A call center solution known as Agriculture Advisory Service is one of the major programmes to assist farmers in solving their various problems such as agriculture related technical matters, inputs and marketing problems.
The service can be contacted by farmers for their queries over any land or mobile phone in office hours by dialing 1920.
Department of Agriculture – YouTube videos
Krushi TV
Home Garden
Read the books and publications here and start cultivating crops in Sri Lanka. You can read this in Sinhala Medium also.
can you please add some more varieties of vegetables
Thanks, it very good for anybody who like to cultivate vegitable and fruits at home area.
Thank You very much. It is very use full for over farming.
Thanks you so muchhhhh 🙂
Thank you very much. I was looking for these information leaflets for long time.