Sidu Teledrama is now being telecasted on TV Derana from 7.30pm onwards on every Monday to Friday. This is a story of a child who possesses a miraculous power.
Most popular characters in this Sidu tele-drama are Sohitha Podi Hamuduruwo, Sidu, Heen Baba Seeya, Loku Hamuduruwoo and the cat Sarana.
The telepdrama revolves around an eight year old Sidu who comes all the way from England to see his granny’s tomb. Those who have watched the series would know that Sidu is the son of Malee and grandson of Dingiri, a village woman who mastered black magic.
The teledrama stars W.Jayasiri, Sarath Chandrasiri, Samadhi Arunachya Moragolla, Sanketh Wikramage, Roshan Pilapitiya, Gamini Hettiarachchi, Roshana Ondachchi, Jayantha Muthuthanthri, Milinda Madugalla, Samantha Kumara Gamage, Sena Gunawardhana, Nethma Akashmitha, Kavish Vihanga, Elisha Musayana, Ravindu Heshan and Himaya Samudhi Vitharana.
Produced by Janaka Siriwardhane, the story is written by Saman Edirimuni and camera is handled by Suranjith Kumaraand. It is edited by Jagath Weerathunga. Art direction is by Malinda Madushanka, make up by Sanjith Rathnakara and music of “Sidu” is directed by Janaka Fonseka.
Watch Sidu Teledrama online
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Sidu Teledrama Theme Song
(Randuwak Une Na)
Artists – Kaveesh Induwara ft Yasodha Priyadarshani
Lyrics – Janaka Siriwardana
Music – Aruna Gunawardena
Download and listen to Sidu theme song at FM Derana
Sidu related videos
‘Sidu’ voted as Teledrama of the Year at SLIM-Nielsen People’s Awards 2017
Nice local Tele drama
Great teledrama, Nice story. I love soratha podi hamuduruwoo.