The Sn Lanka Technological Campus SLTC is a subsidiary of Sn Lanka Telecom provide Diploma, Degree and other Professional programs. Courses are conducted at the 36-acre residential campus located at the satellite station in Padukka.
Degree and Diploma Programmes
Higher Diploma in Electronic Technology
The 4-year BSc Honours Engineering degree consists of 2 semesters per year. At the end of first 2 years the student will earn a Higher Diploma in Electronic Technology (NVQ Level 6).
The Higher Diploma is primarily built around developing a strong foundation in engineering science and design mathematics, basic science and computing, humanities and complementary studies such as management economics and communication.
Eligibility – G.C.E. A/L (Local or London) with the subjects of Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics
Degree Programs
Upon completion of the Higher Diploma you can choose one of the 3 major fields:
B.Sc. Hons. (Electronics & Power)
The proqramme is rich in Engineering science, Physics and Mathematics courses prepares students for employment as Electrical or Electronic Engineers.
B.Sc. Hons. (Electronics & Management)
This includes courses and laboratory sessions in Electronic engineering as well as finance, accounting and Business Management.
B.Sc. Hons. (Electronics & Telecommunication)
This proqramme teaches candidates how to apply electronics technology to desiqn, test and troubleshoot advanced devices and systems: Electrical theory, telecommunication sytems and platforms.
Professional Programmes
19 professional courses will be launched at SLT City Campus, from mobile app development, to professional trading to game design and development.
Sri Lanka Technological Campus
Trace Expert City
Tripoli Market Square, Colombo 10
Sri Lanka
Hotline: 0711 100 500
What about the course fee???
I did biology for a/l exam can I follow this program
I sit my A/L in tecnology can i apply this corse?
Please check with the Institute. I think this is for A/L maths stream.
I would like to know more info about degrees and diplomas.. and aslo like to do a job at slt..
I would like to know more informations about degrees & diplomas..
I sounds good to follow one of the above degree called electronic and telecommunication.. but i wanna know the deadline of calling applications
saraswathy vithyalaya road
I did Biology for A Level. Can I follow this degree program?
It is mentioned here that u need Mathematics
I sit my Advance level in Bio-science. Can I apply this degree program?