You can become a Midwife in Sri Lanka by entering Midwife Training Programme offered by Ministry of Health under the Para Medical Services.
Only Female students can apply for this programme. You need 3 passes in subjects in G. C. E. (A/L) Examination in any stream in any year. Age should not be less than 18 years or should not be more than 30 years. This programme/course is full time one. Candidates are selected based on the z-score of the G. C. E. (A/L) Examination.
Public Health Midwife Training Program:
Selected applicants will be admitted for each training school in order to follow the relevant training course. Midwife training program in 18 months long, with 12 months are spent in the nursing training school and hospital and 6 months is spent training in the field and hospital wards. Courses can be followed in Sinhala or Tamil. A monthly allowance of Rs.12, 360/= will be paid to the trainees during the training period.
2015 Intake – Apply before 24 July 2015
APPLICATIONS are called from Sri Lankan citizens who have qualified G. C. E. (A/L) Examination in the years 2012, 2013, 2014 to recruit as trainees to the Trainee Public Health Midwife training course of the Para Medical Service of the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine.
Download details and Application for Midwifery Training Course of Ministry of Health from Govenment Gazette of 26 June 2015
For details contact:
Director (Admin) 02,
Ministry of Health, ”Suawasiripaya”,
385, Ven. Baddegama Wimalawansa Thero Mawatha,
Colombo 10
Midwifery service in Sri Lanka
A person, usually a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth. Midwifes in Sri Lanka helped in reducing maternal, neonatal and child mortality in Sri Lanka.
Those who satisfactorily complete Public Health Midwife Training Program register with the Sri Lanka Medical Council and are certified. To achieve the goal of having a midwife in every locality, the government created two categories of midwives: institutional midwives (IMs) are specifically trained to work in institutions, whereas public health midwives (PHMs) are trained for different tasks more suited to care provided at the community level.
Recent figures indicate that about 2,720 IMs are employed in maternity homes and hospitals. As in any developed country, they provide care for women in ante- and postnatal wards and labour rooms.
PHMs mainly work in the field, providing domiciliary care by residing in the community. There are approximately 4,654 PHMs (one PHM per 5,000 people). The Divisional Medical Officer of Health (DMO) and his or her assistant provide additional support and supervision.
Me maseth gan nathi weida
Api hamoma yan…
July 5 enawada ministry
Ahannakoooo mata ada aranchi une 1st badge eke traning ewara wela eyala hospital walata dalalu….e kiyanne eyalage traning eka ewarai….apiwa gannedda meyala …mat ennam 5wenodata yanna mawa imo viber whatsaap inna kenek add karagannakoooo 0703823023
Oyala july 5 ministry yanna enawa neda
Mn ministry yanna enwa 5 wenida, oylat okkoma enna
Wasana oyala kohomada yanne ek ekkana eka eka distric wala neda inne e mail walata dana comment yanta godak wela yanwa..facebook chat kiyawanawa..oylt puluwanm viber whtsapp group ekk hdnna
Yaluwane 5 wenida badada ministry ynna puluwanda?list thama daala ne.meka api hemogema wedak.danna ayatath me gena kiynna.ape watina kaalaya me gewenne.
Aruni,madhu,divya, punsara me ahannako email chat dana yaluwo serama.apiwa ganneka kal yanawa. Ape lamai 16k wage fb group hadagaththa. Oyala meke fb chat balanawa neda?? Api hamoma july 5 ministry yanna inne.ikmanata oyalath reply akak denna uda fb chat kyawala teranayak ganna ikmanata.natan api anathure job sure nha.
Ane man viber,watsap.fc bk. ekakawath na. Oyala paniwda dana gaththoth me pg eke danna.
Ekko ape nam dan nathuwa inna ona.
Kauru hari aluth news ekk dna gttoth kynna yalu
Ane alutvaranchiyak nedda yaluwaneee 1st badge eka ewarada danne neda
First batch dn filed training athi yalu
friends mehem giyoth nm 1st badge eke field traning ek iwrwenklwth 2nd badge ek ganne nathiwei. anik aya call karankal balan inne nathiwa hemoma ministry ekata call karala ahanna. puluwnnam ministry ekata gihin balanna
Eka aththa dr mn cl krapu hama dawasakama thawa dinayak na masayak yai qwa….
Kalin list eka balapu link eka tynawa welma, etana na parana list eka nm tama tynawa web eke
Api kalin lit balapu link eka ka gawa hari tiyanawada/ thiyanawa nam eka kiyanakoo.
Man call kara yalu aluth list eka dala na qwa thama.. thawa masayak yai qwa ganta ane manda ..anthimata 4033 nu ekata gaththe
Man ada cl kranm yalu list dammada ahanta
List eka dala na yalu antimata may 30 dapu wena ekak tiyenne..dammanam all notice kiyana thana thiyent ona kauda qwe damma kiyala
Chathu kawda list eka daala kiwe.e gena danna kenek innwada?
List eka dalada
Yalu….list eka dalalu….eth link eka hoyaganna ba…danna kenek innawanam plz ewannako…
Aaa list dalada ane mata balanna beneee anee puluwan aya phone nombers ewannakooo api imo viber whatsapp grup ekak hadagamuda ethakota ekmanata hema yaluwektama tjorathuru denaganna puluwan
K viber whatsapp haduwoth hodai neda
Midwife 2015 juni gaset kare interview 2015 octomber tibba..
Ane tama 1st badge eka ewara nedda… Adurana kauru hari innawanam ahala balannako westara yaluwanee
Mehema giyoth me aurudde ganneth nathi wei wage aluth list ekk dalath na
Para medical courses wlatath gazette karala auruddak giyath thma apiwa gatte na..mta oyalge midwife courses wlata gazette karapu year ekai month ekai ewanna.api hamoma mekata monwa hri karamu. Hemadama mehema balan inna ba neh..
Math 2016 para medical courses walata aply kra..selctn list eka release kralath godk kal giya. auruddak giyath thama apita lettrs awe na.. akki oyage courses gazette karapu year eka ekai month ekai ewnnko.