List of Technical and Vocational Training Institutes registered with the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission under The Tertiary and Vocational Education Act was published in Government Gazette of 5 June 2015.
These Tertiary and Vocational Education and Training Institute have been provisionally registered for the period from 01.09.2013 to 31.12.2014.
Download the Gazette with List of Technical and Vocational Training Institutes and courses
Some of the Institutes registered are as follows:
Institute: Technical College
Address: Galle Road, Ratmalana.
Certificate for Aluminium Fabricator
Certificate for Machinist
National Certificate for Industrial Technician ( Civil)
National Certificate for Industrial Technician ( Electrical)
National Certificate for Industrial Technician ( Mechanical )
National Certificate in Engineering Craft Practice (Electronic)
National Certificate in Engineering Craft Practice (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)
National Certificate in Engineering Craft Practice (Motor Mechanism)
National Certificate in Engineering Craft Practice (Gas and Arc Welding)
National Certificate in Engineering Draughtsmanship
National Certificate in Technology ( Civil )
National Certificate in Technology ( Mechanical)
National Certificate in Technology (Electrical and Electronic)
National Certificate in Technology ( Quantity Surveying )
National Certificate in Building Construction Technology
Certificate for Information and Communication Technology
Certificate for Construction Site Supervisor
Certificate for Motor Cycle and Scooter Repairer
Institute: Horizon College of Business and Technology (Pvt) Ltd
Address: No.482/B, Chandrika Kumarathunga Mawatha, Malabe.
Diploma in Pre School Education
Diploma in Psychology
Diploma in Education
List of Accredited Courses
List of Accredited Courses Conducted by Registered Training Institutions are also included in this Gazette. NATIONAL Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) Framework was introduced in 2004 and Training Institutions wishing to offer courses leading to award NVQ qualifications should be accredited by TVEC. The Technical and Vocational Education courses conducted in public, private & NGO sector training institutions which were accredited by TVEC during the period from 01/12/2013 to 31/12/2014 are listed in this Gazette.
Read More on Technical Education Institutes, Courses
we need passed out Technical young people to train for the Machinery field.
our Company is 45 years old dealing with machinery and more Engineering based.
Often we have vacancies for trainee technical people with sound technical knowledge .
Our Company is 45 year old Handling Industrial Machinery for the Apparel Industry.
Can i know the registerd institues to attend NVQ 5,6 courses in colombo area.
can i know surado campas is aapproved from city &cuild for caregivercoures.
Can I know whether IPM sri lanka is a vocational institute?
It is a Professional Institute (like AAT).
Is that SDTI campus (kandy) is a registered training institute.
Aluminum fitting
Can I know how to register for a new course in 2017… & how many courses for the ict..
Can i know how to register for a new courses in 2017? Please if you can know how much for the ict course