You can now download free model paper prepared by Vidya Jothi Dr K Ariyasinghe for GCE O/L (ordinary Level) 2014 Examination.
Deshamanya Vidya Jothi Vidyabimanee Keerthidhara Gaurawa Dr K Ariyasinghe Sc Tr (1st Class) B.Sc. Ph.D. FRI (UK) is the most experienced O/L teacher in Sri Lanka. Mr Ariyasinghe has been teaching O/L for more than 40 years, and has written many O/L science text books. He has been a popular writer for many Sri Lankan news papers, including Vidusara and Rivira.
Dr. K. Ariyasinghe is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (FRI). He is also a full member of Association of British Science Writers (ABSW-UK), Australian Society of Authors (ASA) and Society of Writers News & Writing magazine – Scotland. He is the president of Science & Technology Promotion Foundation of Sri Lanka. He has written about 100 books and nearly 3500 articles to papers and magazines.
Download Science Model papers for GCE O/L 2014 Examination
2014 OL Science Introduction
2014 OL Science Model Paper 1
2014 OL Science Model Paper 2
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