The Government of India offers scholarships and fellowships to students from Sri Lanka enabling them to pursue Undergraduate, Masters and Research in diverse range of subjects. Scholarships are also available for research work and non-formal courses (e.g., training courses in classical music and dance).
Offer of scholarships are sent to the Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka through High Commission of India (HCI), Colombo. Nominations are received from the Ministry to the HCI. The information on such scholarships and schemes is widely publicized via newspaper, radio, TV and internet in the month of December and January every year. – See more at:
Other Important Information
Scholarships other than India’s Colombo Plan offers are administered through the Ministry of Higher Education in Sri Lanka which places advertisements that include texts of proforma, eligibility criteria and other details in Sri Lankan newspapers. Short listed applicants are interviewed to gauge their knowledge levels in their subjects as well as their proficiency in English. Those selected after the interviews are required to fill in prescribed forms for Scholarships for Foreign Nationals available with the High Commission. They are advised to consult the Universities Handbook published by:
The Association of Indian Universities,
AIU House, 16 Kotla Marg, New Delhi-110 002,
Email : [email protected].
The Handbook can be consulted at the High Commission of India or at the Indian Cultural Centre, No.16/2, Gregory’s Road, Colombo-07. The ICCR’s Information on Scholarship Schemes for International Students, available at the High Commission, at the Indian Cultural Centre, or at which also provides useful information.
Forms of selected candidates are forwarded to the ICCR, New Delhi for final selection and placement. The ICCR does not entertain direct applications from candidates for scholarships. Final selection is conditional upon a candidate being admitted to the University of choice and location.
For further information, please contact:
High Commission of India,
Education Wing, 36-38,
Galle Road, Colombo-3
Tel : +94 11 2421605 Extn: 605
Email: [email protected] – See more at:
Ministry of Higher Education on Indian Scholarships
High Commission of India selects meritorious young Sri Lankan nationals for these scholarships, in consultation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, of the Government of Sri Lanka, for pursuing various undergraduate courses in different universities.
All scholarships cover full tuition fees for the entire duration of the course and students are also paid a monthly sustenance allowance. The scholarship also covers accommodation allowance and an annual grant for books and stationery.
Besides, all ICCR scholars in India are provided full healthcare facilities, first class train fare and an annual grant for educational tours to various parts of the country, apart from several other benefits.
Candidates interested in applying for the above scholarships may please contact the High Commission of India, Education Wing, Colombo – 3 or Ministry of Education and Higher Education, 18 Ward Place, Colombo – 7
Web site
Study in India – How Sri Lankans can select colleges and courses?
There are about 200 universities and 13,000 colleges in India, and about 5 million students apply for these colleges.
Hi I’m Lasanjana Prabhashini. I got Biology-A,Chemistry-B,Physics-C in 2017 A/L exam.I would like to study medicine in India.Please inform me weatherI eligible for a scholarship to study mbbs in India.And how to apply for a scholarship.
I’m ashani.I got 1c and 2s passes in my A/L exam.I would like to know whether I’m eligible for a scholarship and how to apply for a scholarship.thank you.
ì! I’m Jayamika Samindi.I got 1A, 1B, 1C in 2016 A/L.Hindi A. Drama B. Media and Comunication study C..My Z core is 1.0803 I have O/L Hindi A pass. I did Indian exam and I have First division.I would like to know whether I’m eligible for scholarship to do my degree. Thank you.
Hello, I’m Sanduni Randeepa. I’ve got 1A and 2Bs in G.C.E. A/L 2017. (Chemistry-A, Biology-B, Physics-B and English-A) I would like to study medicine in India. I would like to know whether I’m eligible for a scholarship and how to apply for a scholarship. Thank you.
Hello, igot 3cs in 2015 A/L examination so i would like to know whether i get any medical college in india
Hiì! I’m Jayamika Samindi.I got 1A, 1B, 1C in 2016 A/L.Hindi A. Drama B. Media and Comunication study C..My Z core is 1.0803 I have O/L Hindi A pass. I did Indian exam and I have First division.I would like to know whether I’m eligible for scholarship to do my degree. Thank you.