The Medical (Health) sector involves many different professions. There are doctors, nurses, Midwives, physiotherapists, dieticians, pharmacists, radiographers, PHI s and the list goes on. Depending on their qualifications, health-care personnel can work in government or private hospitals, nursing homes, or pharmacies in Sri Lanka or abroad.
Apart from a Doctor (General Practitioner) and a Dentist, there are various professions in the medical sector in Sri Lanka.
These include following:
Nursing (Assistant Nurse, Staff Nurse)
– Plans, assesses and evaluates care for the sick and disabled.
– Keeps careful records of treatments and responses and carries out doctors’ instructions.
– Takes temperature, blood pressure and respiration rates, gives injections, administers medication, cleans and dresses wounds, drains blood transfusion and drips.
Ministry of Health runs Nursing Schools in each Health Province of the country. The main centre is the School of Nursing, E W Perera Mawatha, Colombo 10. National Certificate is awarded after the two year General Nursing Course in this institute. Midwifery course is also available at the Colombo school.
Details on Nursing Courses:
MIdwife is a person, usually a woman, who is trained to assist women in childbirth. Midwifes in Sri Lanka helped in reducing maternal, neonatal and child mortality in Sri Lanka.
You can become a Midwife in Sri Lanka by entering Midwife Training Programme offered by Ministry of Health under the Para Medical Services.
– See more at:
Dental Therapists
Commonly called School Dental Nurses, they provide preventive dental care and carry our clinical responsibilities.
The School for Dental Therapists, Maharagama offers two year National Certificate course.
National Institute of Health Science, Nagoda Road, Kalutara also offers a training course.
Public Health Inspectors (PHI)
Public Health Inspectors (PHI’s) involve in Environmental Health Management Focusing on Control of Communicable & Non Communicable Diseases Resuscitation of Health & Enforcement of Health Regulations.
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) concocts courses for Public Health Inspectors (PHI): Certificate and Diploma courses.
Public Health Officers
If you have three passes at GCE A/L Examination in Science Stream, then you can apply for the training for the Post of Public Health Field Officer under the Ministry of Health. – See more at:
– Examines eyes and tests eyesight.
– Prescribes spectacles, contact lenses or other aids to correct or improve vision.
Sri Lanka Optometric Association (No. 437/A, Kotte Road,, Pita Kotte, Sri Lanka) conducts Diploma in Optometry course.
Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLT)
-Performs chemical, biological, immunology, microscopic and bacteriological tests.
M.L.T. certificate offered by the School of Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Research Institute, Colombo 8.
National Institute of Health Science, Nagoda Road, Kalutara also offers a training course.
– Concerned with the formulation, preparation and dispensing of drugs and medicine. You can follow Pharmacology courses and be a Pharmacist in Sri Lanka.
The Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8 offers a two-year Diploma Program.
National Institute of Health Science, Nagoda Road, Kalutara also offers a training course.
Pharmacology courses in Sri Lanka – be a Pharmacist – See more at:
– Supplies information obtained through the use of X- rays and other forms of radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
The Sri Lanka School of Radiography, at the General Hospital, Colombo offers courses in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography,
-Treat people who are mentally, physically, developmentally and emotionally disabled.
– Rehabilitates people who suffer from injuries or disabilities.
– Treats patients with pain and stiffness in bones, joints, ligaments, tendons or muscles and those with nervous systems’ disorders.
The School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Colombo 10 offers a Physiotherapy course.
Physiotherapy courses and degrees in Sri Lanka
Speech Therapist
– Helps patients overcome communication disorders.
– Diagnoses and treats disorders and dysfunctions of voice, speech and language.
Dietician/ Nutritionist
– Plans health diets and diet counseling.
– Plans nutritionally balanced meals for patients to facilitate recovery.
– Plans special diets for patients in the hospital and liaises with the catering department for their preparation.
Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka conducts Training and Education Programmes as a learning platform that provides a mix of theoretical and practical workshops, conferences, training sessions and continuing education credits.
Courses @ National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS), Kalutara
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) concocts courses in Medical laboratory technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health Inspectors (PHI), Midwife, Community Health, Dispensers and many other professional courses in Health sector. NIHS is the major public health training institute of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. NIHS conducts several basic and in-service training programmes.
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hello, i’m from Maldives .and i’d like to know how many years does it take a speech therapy course ? . and also what will i hav to do take part in a such programme ?