Update 2020 November – PHI, Pharmacist and other Professional Medical Jobs – Apply Para Medical Services and PSM 2019 – 2020 gazette
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) concocts courses in Medical laboratory technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health Inspectors (PHI), Midwife, Community Health, Dispensers and many other professional courses in Health sector. NIHS is the major public health training institute of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka. NIHS conducts several basic and in-service training programmes.
Development of Health manpower for Primary Health Care (PHC) programmes in Sri Lanka is the primary function of NIHS.
With this national and international experience, the NIHS has taken initiatives in achieving the state of WHO collaborating centre in the near future.
In addition to the funding by the state, it also gets financial assistance from WHO, UNFPA and GAVI.
Training Schools
It has several training Schools
School of PHI
School of MLT
School of Pharmacy
School of Nursing
Basic Training Programs
1. Public Health Inspectors’ Diploma Course
2. Public Health Midwife Field (Part II) Training
3. Diploma Programme in Medical Laboratory Technology
4. Certificate of Proficiency as Pharmacist
5. Certificate Course in Tuberculosis Assistants
Post Basic Training Programs
1. Public Health Nursing Diploma Course
2. Nursing Tutor (Public Health) Diploma Course
In-service Training Programs
1. Orientation on Management of Community Health for MOH / RE / MO (MCH) / MO (PH)
2. Pre Placement Training for Post Intern Medical Officers (AMOH)
3. Supervising Public Health Inspectors’ Training
4. Supervising Public Health Midwifes’ Training
5. Training Programme on Research Methodology
6. Teacher Training Programme
7. Training Programme on Health Learning Material Production
8. Educational Science Diploma Programme
9. Training course on International Classification of Diseases – 10th Revision
10. Training course on Medical Record and Health Information Management
11. Community Health Training for Post Basic Nurses (Ward sisters and Tutor sisters)
12. Training Programme on Supervision for PHNS and RSPHNO
13. Management Training for Medical Officers In-charge of Primary Care Hospitals
14. Management Training for Senior Paramedical Staff attached to Government Hospitals
15. Training course in Community Health Management for Middle Level Managers
16. Human Resource Management Training for Middle Level Managers
17. Management Training Programme for Chief Pharmacists
18. In-service Training Programme for Government Pharmacists
19. In-service Training Programme for Dispensers
20. In-service Training Programme in Laboratory Quality Management for Government Medical Laboratory Technologists
21. In-service Training Programme for strengthening of skills of Government Medical Laboratory Technologists
22. In-service Training Programme for Estate Medical Assistants
Postgraduate Training Attachments
1. Practical Orientation on Community Health for MSc (Community Medicine / Community Dentistry)
2. MD (Community Medicine) Part II Training Attachment
3. Training on Public Health for MSc (Biomedical Informatics)
4. Training on Community Paediatrics for MD (Paediatrics)
International Training
1. Clinical Placement of Diploma in Primary Health Care for Maldivian PHC students
2. Clinical Placement of Advanced Certificate in Primary Health Care for Maldivian PHC students
3. Training course in International Classification of Diseases – 10th Revision
4. Training course in Medical Record and Health Information Management
5. Training Programme on Research Methodology
6. Training Programme on Primary Health Care Management for Middle Level Health Officials
7. Community Health Orientation for International Participants
Contact National Institute of Health Sciences
National Institute of Health Sciences
P.O. Box: 28
+94 34 2222264
+94 34 2222001
+94 34 2226319
Is there MLT diploma course in open university?
I have css passes in biological stream at 2018.I want to know about MLT degree details…please inform me..
I’ve got BCC in biological stream in 2017 A/L exam and i want to know that how can apply for MLT course.When will be the MLT course gazetted ?
Can i know, did you select for mlt course..? What was your Z score….? I am waiting for the gazzete to apply mlt course.
When does the MLT gazette to a person who was written a/l in 2017
I need to follow a course in community health and safety bt i have a degree in social science.also,working as a divisional child protection officer please send a message about how to go to path follow that field.thank you
Sir I got 3c in bioscience,how can I apply for this courses..?
And when this courses will start..? Please give a information about it..
Please call the institute for details.
Thank you sir.. how can I contact their..?
Contact National Institute of Health Sciences
National Institute of Health Sciences
P.O. Box: 28
Nagoda. Kalutara
Phone: +94 34 2222264 +94 34 2222001
How can i apply for mlt
sir I got BBB results.when will call this course?
Dear Sir.. When will call next paramedical selection??
How can I convert my MLT diploma in to a degree inside sri lanka while working at a government hospital during the bondage years. and also what is the maximum educational state that i can reach after completing the diploma successfully.
Appointment ceremony for phi, mlt, pharmacy is 29th June… Be at araliyagaha mandiraya @ 8:00
U vil receive d letters…
Sir,You sent for MLT,Pharmacist,PHI paramedical courses for letter.Why did not you send letter for other courses?
When will paramedical courses start?
Mlt new batch 1 ganne kawadada
@priyanga. You got the letter from NIHS??when will start para medical courses????
if u recevie it plz inform me too… [email protected]
Sir ,from where can I study MLT diploma course under SLMC approval?
Health Ministry
When will start para medical courses???
When will they send letters for para medical selected students???
When the paramedical courses starts?
Sir,When the paramedical courses start?
when will paramedical courses start?2016/2017
Sir.I’m priyanga.I selected Electro Cardio Grapher Course in Paramedical interview.The course starts when?
Sir, i got css in biological strm when the mlt course cls strt??
Hi..how you got that course what is the procedure to get it..? Plz inform me soon..
PMS interview result kawadada enne
pms interview eke selection list eka kawadaa wagedaaa enne… thwat kal yaidaa…
MLT PHARMACY course ekata z eka kochchara withara thiyenna oonada?
Hiii am from srilanka
I got ccs in biologcl stream.wht r the courses cn I follow to get degree..plz inform
Hi..a also waiting for this, if you get any information plz inform me too..
Sir, i got css in biologycl stream at 2015 exm..plese inform the corses that i can follow in health section..