Update 1 March 2020: Nursing 2020 – You can now apply for Nursing based on 2017 and 2018 A/L Examinations. (Read Below)
If you have three A/L passes in Biological Science stream then you can apply for free Nursing training in Government Nursing schools managed by Ministry of Health. After training you can become a Nurse in Government hospital which is a pensionable government job. This post describes details on Government Nursing courses, but there are several private nursing colleges and University degrees in Nursing are also available in Sri Lanka.
Educational qualifications :
A. Should have passed all subjects (except common general test) of one of
the streams called Biology /Mathematics/ Agriculture which belongs to
the science stream in one sitting at the G.C.E (A.L) examination
B. Should have passed G.C.E (O.L) examination in not more than 02 attempts
with six subjects including credits passes for Sinhala / Tamil Language
Mathematics, Science and English.
How to apply:
Applications and details are available in Government Gazette = Download below
Nursing Gazette 2019-20
Or Ministry of Health website
Online Recruitment for the Student Nursing Training – 2019
Description | Download | ||
Sinhala | Tamil | ||
Gazette Notice | Download | Download | |
Instructions for Completing the Application Through Internet | Download | Download | |
Apply Online | ![]() |
Apply online on or before 31 March 2020
Scheme of Training :
The selected applicants will be admitted to the nursing training school as pupil nurses and they should follow the training course for 03 years.
The trainees during the period of training in a school nursing will be paid an allowance as follows :
1) First year :- Rs 12,920/= per month
2) Second years :- Rs 13,040/= per month
3) Third years :- Rs 13,160/= per month
The trainees, who pass the final examination, after successful completion of training, will be appointed to the post of staff nurse Grade III by the Director General of Health Services on the relevant salary scales depending on the availability of vacancies of the post.
All applicants should be unmarried at the time of submitting their applications and it is compulsory that they should remain unmarried, during the period of 03 years training.
Recruitment to Pupil Nurses Recruitment Training 2018 Selected List
Related Courses:
Career in Nursing: Enter a nursing school and become a Nurse/
Sri Lanka School of Agriculture – Diplomas
Find government jobs, courses from Government Gazette/
Careers in Medical Sector
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june walawath letters eida yaluwane
Mn ministry ekat ada call kla.ayala kiynwa letters ewnne june mase antima wagelu.atakot apiwa gnna tawa godak kal yaine.
Danma noganeewida apiwa , kawruhari mukuth vstharayak dannawada?
apita nts vala thiyana subject monavadha?
Oyalawa june 11 ganiy
2018 thm gzt krl na neda?
Appoinment letters awama kiyanawada yaluwane..matara ayata letters awe na neda thama
Na drthawama naa
Mm eeye ministry ekt cl kram qwa apita mts patan gann thama dinayak dila nh kiyal ane.
Kurunegala aya innwda methna..
Liyum awada yaluwane
Not yet
mama eye ministry ekata call kara eyala kiyanava may anthimata hari june mula hari apiva gannavalu.liyumuth ganna lan velalu evanne
Ehenam sure ekatama ei neda may wala,, nathham apitath 2016 batch ekata wage late unoth ehema..
2017 select kiyla aw ay shure ektm gannaw neda eylt aniwa letters enw neda aya interview karanwada
May masewath letters awoth hodai.
Mata kalin batch eke akka kenek kiuwa june 1 apiwa gannawa kiyala.
Kandy district kata hri letters awd plz reply
Letters awm kiynwda friends
Appointment letter oyalata awada.
Oyt awoth kiynwd
Ne yalu thama
Nishadi gunathilaka, oya GCC da?
Ow Dilishiko man GCC
Ow dr mama GCC
2018 kvda vitra gazzert kraida
2017 btch eka nts wlta gththta psseda gazzet krnne?
Oya 2018 danna innawda
I am a mental health nurse working for the NHS in England.
I have a wealth of experience and knowledge and would love to volunteer. Would this be possible ?
wanna some details about nursing in england.how can i contact u?
Ai kawada gazt karaida
15 batch eke results dalalu.ape letters awda
Thwm nene.
Matarin apply krpu katahari letters awad?18 enna kiyla.
Nane dr. Thama awe na.math matara.
Na thawama letter awe nane
Districts wala aya wena wenamada ganne halo
Oyata appointment letters avada ???
Thama letters awe na neda
Kawruhari dannawada ape medical 1 karanne komda kiyala.
Cholesterol,diabetes,pressure wage ewa blnw.weight blnw.leda tynw nan eyl beheth denwlu…
As,kan,dath mulu angma wage check krnwa,
Tama katawath letter eka awe ne neda yaluwee
Tama na awe
Lettrs ne neh thwma…
Thwm awe ne.
mama ministry ekata call kara eye eyala kiyanava avurudhdhen passelu letters evanne
May mase wageda apita latter ewanne
Hnd ayata nursing danna barida
thama katawat letters awe na neda
letters kavadha vithara evaidha dannavadha dannna kenek kiyannako?
Letter s katahari awad?