Update 1 March 2020: Nursing 2020 – You can now apply for Nursing based on 2017 and 2018 A/L Examinations. (Read Below)
If you have three A/L passes in Biological Science stream then you can apply for free Nursing training in Government Nursing schools managed by Ministry of Health. After training you can become a Nurse in Government hospital which is a pensionable government job. This post describes details on Government Nursing courses, but there are several private nursing colleges and University degrees in Nursing are also available in Sri Lanka.
Educational qualifications :
A. Should have passed all subjects (except common general test) of one of
the streams called Biology /Mathematics/ Agriculture which belongs to
the science stream in one sitting at the G.C.E (A.L) examination
B. Should have passed G.C.E (O.L) examination in not more than 02 attempts
with six subjects including credits passes for Sinhala / Tamil Language
Mathematics, Science and English.
How to apply:
Applications and details are available in Government Gazette = Download below
Nursing Gazette 2019-20
Or Ministry of Health website
Online Recruitment for the Student Nursing Training – 2019
Description | Download | ||
Sinhala | Tamil | ||
Gazette Notice | Download | Download | |
Instructions for Completing the Application Through Internet | Download | Download | |
Apply Online | ![]() |
Apply online on or before 31 March 2020
Scheme of Training :
The selected applicants will be admitted to the nursing training school as pupil nurses and they should follow the training course for 03 years.
The trainees during the period of training in a school nursing will be paid an allowance as follows :
1) First year :- Rs 12,920/= per month
2) Second years :- Rs 13,040/= per month
3) Third years :- Rs 13,160/= per month
The trainees, who pass the final examination, after successful completion of training, will be appointed to the post of staff nurse Grade III by the Director General of Health Services on the relevant salary scales depending on the availability of vacancies of the post.
All applicants should be unmarried at the time of submitting their applications and it is compulsory that they should remain unmarried, during the period of 03 years training.
Recruitment to Pupil Nurses Recruitment Training 2018 Selected List
Related Courses:
Career in Nursing: Enter a nursing school and become a Nurse/
Sri Lanka School of Agriculture – Diplomas
Find government jobs, courses from Government Gazette/
Careers in Medical Sector
Things to consider when choosing a foregn medical degree
List ek tm na nda
Ne dr.. nxt week wage dawi..
Adath list eka tawama dala nane,ministry ekata ada cl karoth kauruhari mekta comment krnna plz,
Mage usa hariytm gaanata thynne ane mawa select weida..
Nursing interview results danna tawa godak kal yaida?
Thawama mokuth aranchi nadda…
thawa sathyk withara yaddi dai koyla aranchiyk tynwa.aththda dan ne.
Kwda qwe
2017 nursing selected list eka taama daala nadda ?
Me mase aniwa list eka danawa. Mn ahuwa ehen cl krla.
Ane dr ministry eke n eka ewanako. 30mn call gatta eyala ans kale naane..pls n eka dannako.
aththamada halo..
batch ekakuth out una eke ape list eka anivarayenma me mase venakota danna one naththan apiva ganna thava kal yayi
2017 selected list eka tama na neda
Ane thamat nane hlo me list eka danna.
Result dla kiyn aththkda
Kawruhari dannawanam kiynwada apita nursing wala thoragnnna pathi thiyanawalu neda eka kohomada wenne kiyala.
2017 list ek tm na nda
Nursingwala thoraganna paththak na training kale.appoinment labunama ape rank eka anuwa apita ICU Theater Eye Dental DU wage special ewa thoraganna puluwan
Exam walin ganna marks walata anuwalu eka wnne..
Ministry eken qwada me mase anthimata danawa kiyala…?
March dawoth list eka api ikmanata ganiwi,may wala wage
ane 2017 interview selected list eka tama na neda…
Man ministry 1ta call kra ada. Eyla qwe labana mase anthima weddi list 1ka dawi kiyala
List eka dannath tawa masayak ynawada etakota patan gnna kochchara kal yaida dr
Ehma tama kiwe
If u find it,please kindly send text 0710802771
Me mase mula nthnm aga gnwa kyla qwa mn cl krma. Me mase anthima wenkn nm inne ne qwa.. hemawelema web eka blna qwa..
Apo ikmantama gannawanam hodai ,tnx oyage mg ekta
Gannwa kylda list eka danawa kylda kiwe
Ganwa kylda kiwe netinam list eka danwa kylda
Plz tell us when will be the 2017 nursing interview results out?
Interview iwaarailu neda a nisa aththa wanna athi samaharavta.
March end before
2017 results dalda
Apiwa thma ganne nthda name list ek 2017 dalada yaluwane
Interview results dalada
me lagathi nts valin ain une 2014 -A batch eka nedha
Meka mekta adala na thamai. ETH oyala dannawada pharmacist hari mlt hari gazzete kalada kiyala.
thama gazzte kare na
Pharmacy gazette krla dr.
kwdada gzet kleee?reply plzz
2018ta gesat wenne august walada?
Mata nam hithenne 2017 selected list eka dammata passe gazete karai dr.
Oya 2018 danna inna knk da..fb inwda..plz reply me
oya 2017 a/l karapu kenekda
Hi sithu. Math 2018 dana kenek. Pls msg me. Pujani senawirathna mge fb name ek
Math 2018 danna innee
math 2018 dnna inna kenek.thma gya aurdde ayge name list ekwth dla nane.apita gzet krnnath kal yai nedaa?
Hiii ane matat kiyannam hode gazzet karama
2018 dana aya fb innwa nam request me..viroshani wathsala gamage my fb name
viroshani wathsala man 2018 danna inne oyage fb page eka hoyaganna ba reply me
Dulanjani oyge fb name eka kiyanna mn search krl blnm
Me mase iwara wanna thwa tika dwasai nedaa thiyenne. Thamath list nane.
2017 list aka dapuma mag akak danna yaluwane mage nangita interview thibune kandy thama letter aka awe na kandy kauru hari innawanam mama chef kenek mage fb akata msg akak danna plz mama sumudu ishan loku udauwak.
interview result list eka tawa na neda….??
lagadhi apiva ganividha.