Update 1 March 2020: Nursing 2020 – You can now apply for Nursing based on 2017 and 2018 A/L Examinations. (Read Below)
If you have three A/L passes in Biological Science stream then you can apply for free Nursing training in Government Nursing schools managed by Ministry of Health. After training you can become a Nurse in Government hospital which is a pensionable government job. This post describes details on Government Nursing courses, but there are several private nursing colleges and University degrees in Nursing are also available in Sri Lanka.
Educational qualifications :
A. Should have passed all subjects (except common general test) of one of
the streams called Biology /Mathematics/ Agriculture which belongs to
the science stream in one sitting at the G.C.E (A.L) examination
B. Should have passed G.C.E (O.L) examination in not more than 02 attempts
with six subjects including credits passes for Sinhala / Tamil Language
Mathematics, Science and English.
How to apply:
Applications and details are available in Government Gazette = Download below
Nursing Gazette 2019-20
Or Ministry of Health website
Online Recruitment for the Student Nursing Training – 2019
Description | Download | ||
Sinhala | Tamil | ||
Gazette Notice | Download | Download | |
Instructions for Completing the Application Through Internet | Download | Download | |
Apply Online | ![]() |
Apply online on or before 31 March 2020
Scheme of Training :
The selected applicants will be admitted to the nursing training school as pupil nurses and they should follow the training course for 03 years.
The trainees during the period of training in a school nursing will be paid an allowance as follows :
1) First year :- Rs 12,920/= per month
2) Second years :- Rs 13,040/= per month
3) Third years :- Rs 13,160/= per month
The trainees, who pass the final examination, after successful completion of training, will be appointed to the post of staff nurse Grade III by the Director General of Health Services on the relevant salary scales depending on the availability of vacancies of the post.
All applicants should be unmarried at the time of submitting their applications and it is compulsory that they should remain unmarried, during the period of 03 years training.
Recruitment to Pupil Nurses Recruitment Training 2018 Selected List
Related Courses:
Career in Nursing: Enter a nursing school and become a Nurse/
Sri Lanka School of Agriculture – Diplomas
Find government jobs, courses from Government Gazette/
Careers in Medical Sector
Things to consider when choosing a foregn medical degree
list eka danma danne ndda..select wela nm gedrata letter ekk enwda..dnn knk kiynnko.plz
Tama list eka dala na nda yaluwane.
Meke fb comment plugin eka thibunanm mokada wenne…
2018 new batch ekata gnna kawada gazet kraida
Juny wge…oya fn innwda..matj 2018 danna inne
Kawruhari ministry 1 ta call karala ahwda apiwa ganne kawadda kiyala.
Anee fb inna kawru hari maawa add kara gnnako. Mage name malki sithara. National flag ekk profile eke thiuenne. From rathnapura. Pls help me…..
When will release nursing interview result of 2017 ??
Ada eka Batch ekk out venavalu.
february interview thiyenne mona distrikka valadha?
Kawadd ane selected list eka danne?danna knk innwd?
February 8 wenidata batch ekk out wenwa kiyala nts eke mage yaluwek kiwwa.
Dan yana vidiyAta apiwa march mula gani wage election eken passe list dala
thavmath interview thibba distrikka thiyanavadha
mama ada ministry eken call karala ahuva apiva lagadi gannavadha kiyala.ethokata ehen kivva samahara distrikka vala thava interview thibuneth na eka hinda dava godak kal yayi kiwwa.
Ehenam ithin damma noganeewida?
Ane ehmda hlo.ministry eke number eka comment karannko.
Ahema kiwwada? Ahenam may hari August hari wei apiwa ganna.
Aiyooo ehmada apita mehema kale nikan gewa gewa inna thama wenne kochcara kal innada ane.thama distric kiyaka interview thibbe nadda.apita list daddith juny wei wage
Ow ane inna wenwa,mage nts inna yaluwek kiwwa june wage ganiwi kiyla ,nikan kalgewala ati wela
Ane selected list ek danne kwdda appa…..dnn knk kiynnko plz
Ane kauruhri kynko mge sss z-score 0.2277gnak. Mta nts ynna pulwn weida…. 😢
Puluwan dr
Kauru hari select list danne kawdda kiyala ministry eken cal karala danagaththoth comment ekak danna.
When will be released 2017 nursing interview results?
Kuru hari dannwd kawada withrd 2017 kattiya gnne kiyl…
Kuruwthma danne ndd… 3s thiyena aya select wenawa ned…
nts valin february batch ekak anivarayen out venavadha hariyatama danna kenek kiyannako please?
Feb 9 batch 1k out venavlu.
oooo.. me 9 batch ekk ain wenwa.
Ooooo. Out wenwa
ow out wenawa
Ow 2014batch aka ain una
Ow 2014 batch aka out una
Ko thama list eka nene
Ane kwdda list eka danne
Nursin list eka me mase daida?mage z eka .6123 sellect weida?
Select wei
Kollonwa e z ekata gannawada?ethida z eka
Eka year ekakat batch 2k gnnwd? 1st batch ekt select unu kenekge z score eka kynwd.apply krnkot application ekath ekka o/l a/l certificate ywnne onida.E certificate wala sathya bawa sahathik karapu pita path kynn monwd. Ane mt dnna kenek wisthrayk kynwd.
O/l a/l certificates photo copy karala thama wisin meya sathya pitapathk kiyala certify karala photo copies thamai yawanna oni. Original awa yawanne name.
O/l a/l certificate photocopy karala awa aththa pitapath kiyala thaman sahathika karali yawanna oni. Original nemei send karanne.
batch 2k gannava .me page eke uda thiyanava giya avurudhdhe select unu ayage z agayan oya eka aran balanna.ow apply karanokata o/l, a/l certificate yavanna one.oya original certificate eka photo copy karan e photo copy vala yatin liyanna mema pitapath sathya pitapathaki kiyala oyage athsana gahanna
Sathya bawa sahathika krapu pitapath kynne results sht wl photocopy argen oya sing krnn
Godak welawata batch 2k gannawa District aka anuwa zscore aka wenas wenawa certificate wala sathya pitapath kiyanne o/l a/l sahathika wala photocopy sathya awa kiyala a sahathika wala kelaware oya liyala sign karanna ona akata
Z-score eka 0.2277 thiyena ayatath nts ewi neda. Danna kenek kynkoo
Ow dr minus z tyna ayath select wenw
District aka anuwa thamai
Dan hama district 1 kma interview iwari neda?
Nts list kawda vithara daida?election nisa late veida?plz reply