Update 1 March 2020: Nursing 2020 – You can now apply for Nursing based on 2017 and 2018 A/L Examinations. (Read Below)
If you have three A/L passes in Biological Science stream then you can apply for free Nursing training in Government Nursing schools managed by Ministry of Health. After training you can become a Nurse in Government hospital which is a pensionable government job. This post describes details on Government Nursing courses, but there are several private nursing colleges and University degrees in Nursing are also available in Sri Lanka.
Educational qualifications :
A. Should have passed all subjects (except common general test) of one of
the streams called Biology /Mathematics/ Agriculture which belongs to
the science stream in one sitting at the G.C.E (A.L) examination
B. Should have passed G.C.E (O.L) examination in not more than 02 attempts
with six subjects including credits passes for Sinhala / Tamil Language
Mathematics, Science and English.
How to apply:
Applications and details are available in Government Gazette = Download below
Nursing Gazette 2019-20
Or Ministry of Health website
Online Recruitment for the Student Nursing Training – 2019
Description | Download | ||
Sinhala | Tamil | ||
Gazette Notice | Download | Download | |
Instructions for Completing the Application Through Internet | Download | Download | |
Apply Online | ![]() |
Apply online on or before 31 March 2020
Scheme of Training :
The selected applicants will be admitted to the nursing training school as pupil nurses and they should follow the training course for 03 years.
The trainees during the period of training in a school nursing will be paid an allowance as follows :
1) First year :- Rs 12,920/= per month
2) Second years :- Rs 13,040/= per month
3) Third years :- Rs 13,160/= per month
The trainees, who pass the final examination, after successful completion of training, will be appointed to the post of staff nurse Grade III by the Director General of Health Services on the relevant salary scales depending on the availability of vacancies of the post.
All applicants should be unmarried at the time of submitting their applications and it is compulsory that they should remain unmarried, during the period of 03 years training.
Recruitment to Pupil Nurses Recruitment Training 2018 Selected List
Related Courses:
Career in Nursing: Enter a nursing school and become a Nurse/
Sri Lanka School of Agriculture – Diplomas
Find government jobs, courses from Government Gazette/
Careers in Medical Sector
Things to consider when choosing a foregn medical degree
2017 nursing interview results kawada wageda release karanne plz danna kauruhari innawanm kynnako
Mn kurunegala .a/l result S S S thunata ei neda nursing dammoth.anika mn agri.ekai plz kiyannako kauruhari.
Ow oyt ei
Mata a/l z-core eka -ekak mata nursing enne nathi weida plz kiyannako
-z thibba ayath 2016 avurudhdhe one tharam aran thibba .oya uda link eke list eke athi .baya venna epa oya theryi
Rina z Tina aya issarama kale nam gaththalune,
Z-Score (-) ayata 2017 awith neda?Eka loku aulak ne.
2017 kiuwe api newei.giya aurudde gaththa 2016 Batch 1ta.E batch 1ta mage yaaluwo keepadenekma giya Z-Score (-)thiyana
3S thiyenawanam – unata interview enawa
2016 batch eke A batch eka vitharadha inne.B batch ekak nadhdha.giya avurudhdhe select vechcha kenek dnnavanam kiyannako.
A,B batch 2 ma ekaparamalu gaththe.
Ow sanchala eka batch ekak issela gannawa kila thamai nts inna akka kiwwe,apitanam interview dawase indapu sirlath kiyala tibuna ikmanta gannawa,boho durata feb wei kila
Letters awith nathiwa passe interview karanawa kiyapu kauruhari innawada
Danna tharamin na,ppoddak hoynna thawa
Ai oyta ehema kiuwda
Matath interview letter ek hmbune nh dr..mm kndy.. eth lamai interview awa kiyl me web ste eke damm handa mm ministry ekt cl kral qw mt letter awe nh kiyl.eetpse eyal mt qw oyat letters ewl tyenne 11/5 interview enn kiyl.ithin edata mm giya.eda tham kandy wala anik lmitath interview thibb dawasa.eda awith kiuwm letter awe nh kiyl eyl mge numb ek hoyal dunn
Letter ek apit hmunh kiylna ek eyalge waraddak nwe kiyl kiynne eyal.e hnda api dine hoyan edat giyoth tham.nthm letter awe nthi ayat aye interview tyanh dr.. illala tyana o/l result hriyat tibbd oyt.
ehnm ithin february list dai.dan hama distric ekkama interview iwarda
When will release nursing pass list of 2017 ??
do you have pass list of 2017
No i have . You have it plz inform me
Matath yaluwek kiwwa february list eka danawa kiyala
Rathnapura letter awa. 6 interview
Kagallatath awama okkoma province wala interviews tibilanam ikmantama gani,mepara ikmntam interview thibunane
Vidushi oya ratnapurada .oylata interview awe me january 6da.anuradhapura ayata octomber walane awe. Nursing ganne district wise wena wenamada.island ekama eka para nemeda.
Kegalle ayata interview tama ne neda?
February rslt dnwda attatma.
Samahara wita aththak nowennath puluwan neda?
Ow list danawa kila mtat nts ina kenek kiwa
Hlo mulin select krnne bio ayada ita passeda agri aya ganne.
Rathnapure 6,7 dekema interview tiba .February wala batch ekak out wenawalu.anith batch eka june wgelu out wene.mulin gane koi ayada kiyalanm dane na nilmini
Oya koheda kurunegalinda demme
ehema kiyanwa katttiya
February batch 1k out wenw kiyl nm news 1k lebunaa..e nisa gdk durata februry list ek daaii
Abaditha kenekta nursing ynna beida.mn kiynne kashruwe edayak thi kenekta.
Oyata scoliosis surgery aka karada?
vidushi dissanayaka oyata kauda kiuwe liat eka february danwa kiyala.matath kalin batch eke akka kenek nm kiuwa apiwa february gannwa kiyala
Rathnapura nts eke sister kenek qwe. February batch ekk out wena nisa apiwa march wla gnnwa kiyla. Gampaha nts eke akka kenekuth qwa apiwa ikmnta gnnw Kiyla.
Eth thama interview iwrth naneda? Ehema eke puluwand February list danna. Anika chande wada iwara wenakan kisima badwgneemak karanneth nalu.
Samahra wita march wage ganiwi.
Aththatama ikmanata ganiwid apiw?
Ow matath qwa feb gannawa kiyala nts inna akka kenek ,,,
A batch ekni ned februry wla gththoth gnne..??
Kegalle distric ayta interw awda
Tama ne neda
Oyalata interview awada?
Kegalle ayat me week ei neda
Sabaragamuwa province ayata witharada thama interview thibune neththe?
vidushi oyata kauda kiuwe list eka febryary danwa kiyala.mtath ehema aranchiyak nm awa
Rathnapure ayatat tama na.awot kiyanako.
2017 interview results awithda????
Thawama na neda,,
Kawada eida kiyala danna kenek innwada thoragtta ayage list eka
Pass una ayage list eka net ekata danwa thama dala na therila hitiyoth letter ekka enawa
2017 interview results kawada wage release karaida kiyala dannawada
Godak kal yay result enna. Apita awruddakata wada inna una intaw gihin
February list danwalu
echchr kalin results danwd?
Paramee sadunika oya kalutharad thama letr ekk awe na nd.
Thama na
Adam letter aka awa. 23 interview .interview akata mokakda adinne.
Sariyak adinna,apinm sudu sariyak ande,
Ow mtath awa.sudu hari sudu patat huru hari sariyk adinn ona la pat ekk unat kmk nalu hlo.
Kaluthara ayata thana intw awe na nd. Awoth mekat comment ekk dann plz…
Thamath aweth nane .awoth kiyanna.
2016 A/L krapu trinco ayata interview awada kiyannako.
Koleka oyage nama addres, id nom eka dala wena patamalawak ata liyapadimchi na kiyala tama wisin sahatika wemi kila yatin sign karanna tinne
ethakota api eke sign karama athine,wena kawruth grama sewaka ehema sign krn one nane?
Matara distric ayata intew awoth mekata comment 1 k danna
bahumaana sahathikaya kyn eka api liyana ekakda? kohen hri gnna onada? danna kenek kynnako plzzz
Kaluthara kata hari interview awann kiynnko plz….
Thama na
Thama nane
Kurunegala ayata interview awada? Plz kiyannako.
Mata ada letter eka awa mama galle
Gampaha district kattiyta interview lettres awadaaa
Sabaragamu ayatinterview thibilath nathnam danma results ena ekak na neda