SLIIT, the largest degree awarding institute outside the state sector now offers UGC approved Engineering degrees, in their newly constructed Engineering faculty with experienced qualified staff.
BSc Engineering degree and diploma programs
BSc Eng Honours Degree programme SLIIT is of 4 years duration with two semesters per year.
By following this degree program you can earn:
• A Diploma in Engineering after successful completion of two years; or
• A BSc Eng Honurs Degree in the following fields after successful completion.
You can obtain BSc Eng Honours Degree in one of the following fields:
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
• Mechanical Engineering/ Mechanical (Mechatronics) Engineering;
• Civil Engineering.
The Diploma level covers a broader range of theory, equipping the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in industry at a junior executive or technician level. The advanced inputs in design and applications are provided in the third and fourth years leading to the BSc Engineering Honours Degree.
Students are allowed to opt for specialization within the major field of study; ensuring that at graduation, they have acquired a comprehensive range of analytical creative skills along with a holistic view of the major field of study.
The BSc Eng (Hons) Degree awarded by SLIIT is approved by the University Grants Commission under the Universities Act.
Candidates who exit the programme after successfully completing the Diploma in Engineering, can re-join after a spell of employment or training in industry, or leave of absence.
SLIIT Degree Programmes conducted with foreign universities
The institute also conducts engineering programs with long-standing academic partners Curtin University – Australia and Sheffield Hallam University – UK.
SLIIT offers specialisations in Civil and Construction Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering in partnership with Curtin University, Australia.
SLIIT as a degree awarding institute
SLIIT, the largest degree awarding institute outside the state sector. SLIIT is the only non-state higher education institute in Sri Lanka that has been granted UGC approval for Engineering degrees. The institute is also a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.
SLIIT’s newly constructed state-of-the-art Engineering faculty building comprises, within 75,000 sqft, modern well-equipped laboratories, lecture halls, design studios, and a dedicated library, encompassing an unparalleled teaching and learning environment for students.
The SLIIT Engineering faculty consist of over 25 permanent staff, six of which have PhDs. In addition, senior staff from state universities and industry experts are available on a visiting basis.

SLIIT Course Fees as per student guide 2013
BSc Eng Honours Degree Programmes (SLIIT)
The fee is presently Rs. 150,000/= (all inclusive) per semester.
BEng in Electronic Engineering (SHU) Programme
For all three years Rs. 130,000/= (All inclusive) per semester will have to be paid. An additional
fee of 150 will have to be paid for each of the six semesters to complete the degree in Sri Lanka.
However, if a student chooses to transfer to the SHU, UK for the third year, normal SHU fees will
have to be paid.
BEng in Computer Systems Engineering (Curtin) Programme
For all four years Rs. 150,000/- (all inclusive) per semester will have to be paid to SLIIT and for
the third year an additional fee of AUD $1500 per semester and for the final year AUD$ 3300
will have to be paid to complete the degree in Sri Lanka.
However, if a student chooses to transfer to the Curtin, Australia for the final two years,
normal Curtin University fees will have to be paid.

Download student guide
Details on SLIIT Undergraduate degree programs.
SLIIT for Information technology degrees and diplomas – See more at:
when are you taking the new batch for engineering
what advanced level results you need for engineering..
I’m completed Btec HND in civil. Can i continue degree programme in your Sliit institute????
Now i write my final exams of HNDEngineering at SLIATE.
How can i continue the degree programe at SLIIT