(Updated – 2022 May) Finally, your GCE O/L Examinations are over! All that hard-working study sessions, all those endless exams are over and you are finally free! Before you start celebrating, you have some important decisions to make.
Post O/L time is important as you need to plan your A/L and higher education pathway and career decisions which can change the direction of your life.
We bring you 7 options to plan your future life after the O Level examination.
- Continue your school education and do A/L
- Select A/L subjects. classes and teachers
- Develop soft skills
- Follow a professional course,
- Go to University education without A/L
- Technical Colleges and Technical Universities
- Continue Higher Education while doing a Job
1. Select a subject stream to continue your School education and do A/L
First, you have to settle on which stream you are going to study. Take a look at the information we have provided for selecting subject streams.
Subject options for GCE Advanced Level
For the selection of courses you may also like to check the subject options offered by Sri Lankan public National Universities:
Select Universities and Courses in Sri Lankan Universities
If you want to plan ahead you may also like to know courses you can do after Advanced Level.
2. Select a School and Advanced Level classes
If your school does not have Advanced Level classes for a particular stream of study (Science, Mathematics, or Technical stream), then you need to apply to another school to follow A/L classes. The selection of students will be based on your O/L results, extra-curricular activities, and the non-availability of A/L grades at your school.
Then you need to select tuition classes. Many Science stream A/L classes start in the First First week of January, sometimes even last week of December. If you are going to do Commerce or Arts stream, then those classes will commence in March, April or May, sometimes after the results are released.
You can check the following posts to get more information on Classes, Tuition teachers, and Institutes:
2019 A/L – Select Subjects and Tuition Teachers and Classes
Major Tuition Institutes Centers in Sri Lanka
3. Develop your soft skills
This period, before you get the maximum A/L workload, is an ideal time to improve your English language (Communication skills), IT/ Computer skills, or other skills you wish to acquire.
4. Follow a professional course
Students with G.C.E.(O/L) Examination are eligible to register for professional accounting, management, and IT courses such as AAT or ACCA. You can either do these courses while doing A/L or you can select them as a starting point for a future career.
5. Get a degree without doing A/L
You can start university education shortly after O/Levels by following programs at some private universities, or even enter into Open University or External degree programs such as BIT (BSc degree in Information Technology). For this option, you have to do some foundation courses and examinations and then go on to register for a University degree (Local or Foreign).
Updated 2021: Get an Open University degree without A/L
You can also do NIBM Degree after O/L – If you have passed O/L with five credits including a Credit pass for English. then you can follow Pre-degree Foundation Course in NIBM. After completion of this course, you can follow BSc (Hons) in Management or BSc (Hons) in Human Resources Management (HRM).
6. Technical Colleges and Technical Universities
You can go to Technical education and obtain Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Technical Colleges and Universities and obtain certificates, diplomas and degrees and you can get NVQ – National Vocational Qualification.
The NVQ Sri Lanka provides the opportunity to achieve international recognition for qualifications, skills, and knowledge. There are seven levels of qualifications from Level 1 to Level 7. National Certificate for Level 1 is recognizing the acquisition of a core of entry-level skills. National Certificate for Levels 2, 3, and 4 is recognizing the increasing levels of competencies. Level 4 qualification awards for full national craftsmanship. Level 5 and 6 is a National Diploma and it recognizes the increasing levels of competencies ranging from technical level to management level. Level 7 is a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
VTA Courses
How to find your Career Path or next Job?
TVET (Tertiary & Vocational Education Commission of Sri Lanka) has prepared an online test called Career Interest Test, which can be used to understand your career interests.
Engineering and Business studies Courses for students who passed G.C.E.(O/L) examination in 6(six) subjects – Download document including Medium Language and Mathematics.
7. Continue higher education while doing a Job
Going straight into work after school is not a common practice in Sri Lanka. However in recent years many boys go to informal labor jobs without continuing higher education, which is not a good practice. Because today degree or A/L qualification is needed to get a good Job and to get a placement in Higher Education program. Therefore please do not stop your education even if you find an employment. You can continue studying while
doing a Job. Before opting for an informal job look for the career options and train for that career first.
Now you can do A/L without passing O/L examination
Ministry of Education has announced that from 2018, you will be allowed to sit for the G.C.E. Advanced Level classes even you fail the Ordinary Level examination. This is under the program of 13 years of continuous education to every student by offering practical and employment driven subjects for A/L classes.
Hii , I wanted to know wheather I need 6 passes in O/Ls in one city to get approval for A/Ls or is it okay if I get 6 passes in to city exams ?
Please do reply me .
It depends on the course and job you apply
How much will it cost to do the foundation in a open university
Read here on OU Foundation courses
Sir I have B for english , C for maths and christianity & S for sinhala , health and catholism , but W for science so can I follow Foundation courses offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL).
If you have 6S passes or above you can register for OU foundation course.
can we A/L as a private student without going to school straight after A/Ls. so that I can do a professional course at the same time?
Yes. Some private university courses do not ask for A/L. After O/L you can apply for degree. Even you can goto Open University by following their foundation course without A/L.
Can’t see the list of the schools offered that new scheme
I am 35 year old I am struggling to studying to get a any government job what I do? Pleas half me. I only have 3 subject in o/l.
Get a skill and get a job in private sector.
I have an idea to do Languages as my A/L subject stream.
So , I want to have an awareness about the degree courses that I can follow in Universities in Sri Lanka .
All universities have Languages Departments, visit them and see.
what are the job opportunities by IT stream
Godak job thiyenawa
can we get an IT degree by doing IT in the arts stream for AL…………and can i also know wht are the other degrees i cn get by doing IT, geography and logic or a language…
im abt to select subjects to al and confused a bit….
Very few options for IT degrees in arts stream. select technology or mathematics stream.
Maths- A
Science- B
All other subjects “S” passes including Sinhala. Can I do A/l Maths?
My o/l result is Buddhism rasaswadaya English A maths science health geography B Sinhala history C so can l do maths for a/l
You can do. You need to ask from the school.
are we allowed to use calculator in A/L math
Law college information check here
Im failed o/l mathmatics
can i apply for HR ???
Yes you can do. Select a suitable place.
Hii…. I finished my o/l examination… bt now I confused to do what next? commerce or maths…. wht is good?
I have finished my O/L examination and waiting for results..I don’t want to do A/L but trying to do some courses by which I can do jobs in abroad..I’m not targeted into an aim but love to be with small children and do jobs with small children..plss suggest me with a better idea
Hi i am finesh o/l exam i am passe in 7 credit not mathes pass can i have NIBM Degrrre
What can i do… without A/l. Dgrees???
Read the things above. Select what u can do
What are the online job opportunities for mathematics stream??
I just finished my o/ls and im confused about what to do next…i wanted to do A/l in maths stream but i want to know if this qualification would be sufficient for doing online jobs for a good salary..and i also want to know if i can do something useful till the results come..please suggest me a good idea
There is noo too much time gap between ol and al. So wait and do al in your best. If u are doing maths stream in al definitely you can get best salary in our country. Is it not enough for you u can go aboard and earn lot of as u wish.
it’s good so dat u will not just be sitting at home…
it’s a good idea. just for a short period of time.
How to become a Normal teacher after A/L with two passes(Bio)???
In government sector you cant be a teacher with 2s passes. But private sector can
[email protected]
I finished ordinary level is that enough to continue my higher studies in it field as you mentioned
Yes. U can do various IT courses with O/L. But it’s better to continue a/L and get an IT degree.
I am just finished my O/L can you give me a idea , where can I improve my English language . I am very poor in this subject . Send me a message to my mobile no 0777 327659 thank you
Hello, Im from Amparai… i just finished my o/l exams and i wanted to sth during this vacation. Can anyone of idea to do anything?
Thank you for giving us various options after O/L examination.