The results of the GCE Ordinary Level Examination 2010 were released today and students can check their results at
Commissioner General of Examinations Anura Edirisinghe said that 58.79 percent of school candidates had qualified for Advanced Level studies this year, an increase against 48.51 percent qualified the previous year.
The percentage of students who passed Mathematics has increased from 50.17 percent in 2009 to 61.61 2010, Science from 44.31 to 59.80 percent and English from 37.35 to 41.41. The Commissioner stated that most of the top 25 students (best results) were students from rural areas.
According to the Examinations Department around 62% of the students who sat for their GCE Ordinary Level examinations have passed all their subjects. Also, 3059 students have received ‘A’ passes in all nine subjects this year compared with 1,020 students with such performance last year.
Did the students suddenly become more brighter this year or did the Department of Examination lowered the pass mark and the mark for obtaining A grade?
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hello sir please i need à bordereau of reusite of Gce olevel 2010 bertoua external.please help me