For the GCE Advanced Level examination, you can select three (3) subjects from within five (5) main subject streams namely Arts, Commerce, Biological Science, Physical Science or Technology. You also have to sit for General English and Common General Test for their A/L examination, but the results of these papers are not considered for University entrance. But those results will also be included in the A/L exam results sheet.
Subjects available for A/L Arts Stream
Art stream is the most popular subject area among the Sri Lankan students. A/L arts stream has about sixty (60) subjects and these are categorized into four different subject areas
- Social Sciences/ Applied Social studies
- Religious and Civilization
- Aesthetics
- Languages
As an art student, you can select subjects from any one of the following areas.
Social Science Subjects
- You should select at least one subject from this subject area/
- If you want, you can select two or all three subjects within this category
- This statement is not valid for those who are following two or three language subjects.
Subjects – Economics, Geography, History (Sri Lankan history and Indian history or European history or World history), Home Economics, Political Sciences, Logic and Scientific method, Accounting or Business Statistics, Agriculture or mathematics (One subject from Technological studies – Civil/ Mechanical or Electrical/ Electronic and Information Technology or Food Technology or Agro technology or Bio-Resource Technology), Communication and Mass media, Information and Communication Technology)
Religious and Civilization Subjects
Buddhism or Buddhist Civilization, Christianity or Christian Culture, Hinduism or Hindu Civilization, Islam or Islam Civilization and Greek & Roman Civilization are the subjects available in this category.
- If you select one religious subject from this category, then you cannot select its civilization subject. For example, If f you select Buddhism, you cannot select Buddhist civilization
Aesthetic Subjects
This category offers art, dancing (Sri Lankan or Indian), music (Oriental music, Carnatic music, or Western music), and drama and theatre (Sinhala, English, or Tamil).
- From these aesthetic subjects you can select one or two subjects.
Language Subjects
The new Educational Reforms have encouraged the students to learn International Languages.
Language subjects are offered in three different categories.
- National languages (Sinhala, Tamil, English)
- Classical Languages (Arabic, Pali, Sanskrit)
- Foreign Languages (Chinese, Malay, French, Russian, Hindi, Japanese).
You can select one or two language subjects from above list
If you want to study three languages for your A/L, the selection should be as follows.
- Sinhala, Tamil, English
- Any three subjects representing National languages and Classical Languages
For example, you can select Sinhala, Pali and Sanskrit
If you select two language subjects, you will be able to select one subject from Social Sciences /Religious and Civilization /Aesthetic as your third subject. For example you can select English, Japanese and Electronic and Information Technology.
However, some subjects may not be available at your school. Having a better understanding of available courses in national Universities will be an added advantage for selecting a subject combination. As a vast array of subjects are available, you can take up innovative and novel subject combinations in keeping with worldwide trends. For example you can select a combination with Mathematics, IT and Economics.
What are high Z Score subjects in the Arts Stream?
Many students ask about high Z-score subjects they should select in order to enter good university courses in this stream such as the Law Faculty. (For 2018/2019 Academic year you need a 1.7 to 1.9 Z Score to enter the Arts faculty)
It is difficult to comment on high Z score subjects as Z scores change from year to year. However many students who are doing subjects such as Logic, Geography, Economics, ICT to get high z scores.
Read more – How Z score is calculated?
Download the Ministry of Education Circular on A/L subject combinations:
Download relevant circular from the Ministry of Higher Education website – GCE Advanced Level Subject Options and Subject Combinations for Selection to University Degree Programs
You may also like to read:
Choosing A/L Subject Streams After O/Ls
Select A/L Subject Streams After O/Ls: A Complete 2023 Guide
can I do Japanese, media, and ICT for ALs?
Could you please tell me, Can I select BIology, Agriculture, and IT for AL?
A/L Walata korean subject eka karanna barida
can I do Japanese, English literature & English literature and language for A/L
A/L walata Biology+ICT+Physics karama labena awastha monawada.yanna puluwan degrees courses monwada.ethi wala gatalu monawada?
Me combination eka karanna ba.
Me combination eka karanna ba.
Mata private exam liyanna agriculture ekka anith subjects monawada?
Biology, Chemistry for science stream
SFT, BST for technology stream
My daughter wants to do Chinese Language for Advanced Level (in 2022). But Chinese is not thought in her school. Where can I send her for classes to cover the A/L Chinese Syllabus. Please reply urgently. Thank You
Call one of the tuition centers in this telephone nos
BMICH has a educational section which runs programmes of languages
Can i do literature , buddhism and media?
Man anuththara.mama man 2021 a/l private liyanna. Geography, media,b.c mata campus yana puluwanda.
can i do fashion designing by following art stream for A/Ls?if could what are the subjects to follow
You can do. But you need a good Z score to enter, and you need to pass aptitude test conducted by University of Moratuwa.
Kolabin art subject krla 1.4392 gaththama common general test ekta lakunu 28k gaththoth campus yanna barida? Pls ryply krnnko..
Meka balanna
Can i do English Literature, French and English for A/L’s and still get into university???
Mata geograpy econ and ict karanna one mata e subject 3 kranna puluwanda
Above is in 2008. Is this still applicable for 2019?
What are the subjects that you can study and sit in ENGLISH MEDIUM for National AL examination?
Can I follow English language, Islamic civilization and business studies as main subjects?
ah thw mn A4k argena namuth Z agy madi unoth law entrance liyld law collage athul wenn wenne
Mn A/L art stream aken krnne . mn krn subject sinhala, history, ICT .ithin mata dngnn onii mewa krl law college akt ynn puluwnd kiyl plzz give me a answer quickly
ita amathraw mata krnn puluwn wena wenath wurthiya marga monad kiylth kiyl denn.
plzzzzzzzzz mekt answer akak ikmnt awnn
Law karanna puluwan. Z score aurudden auruddata wenas wenawa. Me subject OK
MN A/l krn subject thm Econ, Logic, Sinhala mt me subject krl law colleage ynn puluwnd ikmnt reply ewnn puluwnd Econ subject eka art ekka krl law krnn puluwnd Econ wala Z agaya khmd art ekka
Law karanna puluwan. Z score aurudden auruddata wenas wenawa. Me subject OK
thank you
mn krn subject thm econ logic sinhala me subject walin A4 k argen low collage ynn puluwn unth hadisiye me subject wl z agy adu unoth ynn amaru wenwd palaweni parat
In arts stream. I selected those subjects. Japanese, logic, and mathematics. How do you think about it and I want to. Know about it
Mta puluwnda technology kyna subjects krnna.
Even i have the same problem .
As a/l. Subjects. In arts stream. _japanese, logic. Mathematics. How do you think about it
Even i have the same problem .
Can i follow English language, Media and Sinhala for art stream??
Mma krnna inne languages,, mta one english lit, french and GRC krnna.. mta plunwda e sunjects tika krnna,, mkda A/L aesthetic subjects wla English lit naane!! Plzz mta ekta ekmnta rply dnnko, loku udawwak
2018 awurudde a/l art stream aken kopamana lamai gananak vibagayata muhuna dunnada? A wagema art stream aken kopamana lamai gananak universities walata therunada kiyala mata dana ganna puluwanada ?
Thama 2018 Z-score awe na. enkan inna.
2018 awurudde a/l art stream aken kopamana lamai gananak vibagayata muhuna dunnada? A wagema art stream aken kopamana lamai gananak universities walata therunada kiyala mata dana ganna puluwanada ?