Update 2022 July – Admission of Student Teachers to National Colleges of Education based on 2019 and 2020 A/L examinations
Special Notice for NCoE Applicants in the year 2022
- Applicants who have passed the G.C.E.(A/L) in the years 2019 and 2020 can apply
- Application deadline – 12 August 2022
- More Info.
Vidya Peeta 2022 (2019 and 2020 A/L examinations)
Download Gazette Sinhala | Tamil | English
For details contact
Call Hotline: 1919
Email: [email protected]
National Colleges of Education, commonly named as Vidya Peeta conducts Three Year Pre-Service Professional Course in Teacher Education. You need three passes in one sitting at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination and Credit passes in some GCE O/L subjects to apply to these courses.
Courses conducted here include Primary education, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, English, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism/Christianity, Agriculture and Food Technology, Technical studies, Crafts and Arts, Drama, Dance, Music, Information and communication technology, First Language (Sinhala), second language (Tamil), Social studies etc.
The duration of a Training Course is three years. This period consists of two years of residential institutional training in the National College of Education and one-year internship training while being attached to a school. During the period of two years of residential training a trainee will be provided with meals and lodging facilities to the value of Rs. 2,000 per month for ten months in a year. During the Internship year, a monthly allowance of Rs. 2,500 will be paid for ten months.
Applicants successfully completing this course will be considered for appointments as teachers based on the availability of vacancies on the Education Zonal Level in difficult districts.
- 0:00 start
- 0:08 Download application and gazette
- 0:58 Three-year course
- 1:48 Qualification to apply
- 2:27 Z score selection method
- 2:52 Deadline for application
- 3:35 Location of Colleges (vidya peeta)
- 4:50 Apply online
- 5:37 Courses available at different colleges
- 5:59 Vacancies available for each district
- 6:40 Courses/ Subjects available
- 7:56 www.studentlanka.com/vidyapeeta
- 8:14 1919 hotline and more details
- Download National Colleges of Education (Vidya Peeta) Application for 2018 intake
Deadline is 15 February 2019 - Admission to National Colleges of Education Vidya Peeta 2018
- Download Application and other details – Gazette
- Download Government Gazette of 25 January 2019, from the link below, which contains details and application.
- National College of Education: NCE website to Submit your Application
- http://www.ncoeadmissionmoe.net/
Courses @ Vidya Peeta - Related:
Find Jobs, Courses from Government Gazette
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- How to become a teacher in Sri Lanka?
2015 a/l karapu ayata tama vidyapeeta application awe nadda
2016 a/l gazette karanne 2018 da… ane kauru hari kiyannako yaluwane
Oyalata thawath kal yai dr… apita mehema nam thawa aurudu dekakwath yai…..
oya mona dstrct ekedha yaluwa!
2016 ta 2018 thamai gzt karanne.. 2015 batch eka parakku vena tharamata oyalatath tikak parakku venna puluwan
2016 A/Ls karapu ayata application release wenne kawadatada?
2016 man a/l kare. Commerce walin. Z core 1 kohoma thibunothda apply karana puluwan
giya awurudhe gzt ekai selected list ekai hoyala balanna nangi. ethakota oyata podi idea ekkak ei.. seemitha pramaanayak thamai ganne.. samahara velawata campus yanna nethuwa peeta select wei kiyala hitapu awawath select vela nethuwa thiyanawa…. eeta kalin oyata hondha job ekak hambunoth.. degree eka karanna try karanna..
becz mama thaama 2015 batch eke gazt ekata waiting ..
2015 A/L karapu ayata gazzart karanne koi kaleda danagaththoth kiyanna yalu matath
me dhawas wala gzt balanna. adha gzt eke dhala ne.
2015 a/l liyapu ayata widyapeeta gazette wenne kawadada
2015 A/L karpu ayata vidyapeeta gazette karanne kawadda Gazette karald thiyenne
2014 al walin vidyapeet gththa ayage purappadu walata ayem 11 intev karanwa yaluwne.mge yaluwekt intev awith…2015al walata gazzt krann thawath kal yai meken.
Kawadada 2015 batch ekata widyapita gazate karanne?
me maase dhai.. kohomath.. giya awurudhe sept vala thamay release une…
2015 al krpu ayta vidyapeeta gasat krnne koi kaleda
2015 gazzette krama meke comment ekak danna yaluwane….
When will release application for 2015 A/L batch…..????
2016 ayata gazet karanna klin kohehri register wenn onid?
2015 a/l ayata peets gzet kranne kawadad?
2016 ayata nam 2018 August wala thami gazette karanne.
2012 a/l karapu ayata vidya peeta apply karanna puluwanda me awurudde?
Be be
2016 a/l batch eka widya peeta Gazette karanne kawadada?
Bio krla widya peeta ynna z score eka kiiyak wenna onida
2016 a/l exm krpu aywa gnne mona year ekda
Matath kiyanna
2015a/l ayatath thaam vidyapeet gzt kre nhne.2016a/l walat 2018 thama gzt krnne
Appeal krpu katahari vidyapeeta awit tiyanawada meeta kalin?
ow. ehema appeal karapu samahara ayata vidyapeeta awith thiyenawalu
Vidyapeeta register une nathi aya wenuwata, ayeth ganna ayage list ekak out karanawada?
2015 a/l karapu ayata vidya peeta application enne kawadada dannawada
Yako ekane bn man hithanne apiwa gan nathi wei.
aiyoooooooo ema baane
Apiwa ganne nathuwa innathiwei dr.gzzt krai me aurudda iwar wenna kalin nam.iwasan balan inna tham apit wenne.me lankawane kal ynaw thm ithin
Vidya peeta yana 2016 a/l krpu ayata district rank kiyak wena onida????
2015 A/L ayata vidyapita gaset karanne koi kaleda
Hi prni i m ryan but 2015 al batch collage ku gezzet pannitanola?????
2016 a/l liyapu ayata widyaa piita gazette karanne kawadada?
Wishesha adyapana walata select Una katahatri maharagama widyapite awada yaluwane