Categories: study tips

Forgetting curve and how to improve your memory

The graph shown here is called “The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve”. It indicates the rate at which human beings forget new information. As you can see, we forget almost 70% of what we learn within 24 hours. Even in the first 1 hour, you’ll forget more than half of what you’ve learned.

Solution to this problem of forgetfulness, is regular revising and practice of the knowledge and skills over a period of time.

Here are some techniques to increase your memory.

1. Regular revision – Recall what you have learned on a regular basis. The hour/day/week/month model is one. Ebbinghaus Studies also found that a stable long-term memory is established only after an average of 7 repetitions. That means you need to review a same lesson several times before you can effectively retain it in memory.

Let’s say on day 1 you learned a lesson. They should be reviewed once to twice again on the same day, once more on the second day, once more in a week, once more in two weeks, and again in a month. Research suggests that the spacing is different for individuals. Recent research has shown that rehearsal just prior to sleep is a powerful technique.

2. Take notes and prepare a short note – Write up the lesson, in your own words with diagrams, and prepare a summary or short note of the lesson. This can result in dramatic increases in learning (20-30%). Then re-read a few times afterwords.

3. Repetition – Before starting a new study session, repeat (not in parrot fashion) the what you’ve studied previously. Take five or ten minutes at the start to revise the previous content.

4. Practice – Do questions, past papers after the course. This prevents reliance on short-term memory and gives you a chance to develop long term knowledge and skills.


Memory tips – කරුණු දිගුකාලීන මතකයට යැවීම 
Mind maps for study, memory and to plan your activities
Knowlege society – Sri Lankan perspective




University Senior Lecturer at University of Sri Jayewardenepra, Sri Lanka

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